Jun 05, 2007 21:47
Meh, so it's two out of three. I'm not writing (except at the moment), but I am reading--finishing up Gene Wolfe's The Claw of the Conciliator and started today a biography of Kurt Godel (of incompleteness fame) and an Agatha Christie (N or M--which I"ve either not read or not read in so many years I've forgotten it). I also started today Balzac's Le peau de chagrin while getting my truck inspected.
Have done a bit on my latest needlepoint, a picasso-esque piece.
Perhaps we should amend the disclaimer to one-and-a-half out of three since the math I've been doing doesn't really qualify as arithmetic. Well, kinda...I'm rewriting some Mathematica programs to do left, right, and trapezoidal Riemann sums (which is basically arithmetic, I guess, as it's basically just adding up areas of rectangles...) and to display said sums for any desired subinterval.
One of these days I will write something profound here--but then probably won't post it, after all. I find it terribly ironic that profundity is not terribly appreciated in a teacher ;-). Oh well...
Have been somewhat social recently: party for Z Bart on Sat lunch; Paul B for dinner on Sunday; lunch with Eric H yesterday at Vietopia; lunch with Caspar and his parents on Saturday.
Oh, and I got my wedding ring transformed today from a fairly eccentric ellipse back to an approximate circle. I seem to have closed my finger in a door friday during the marathon administrative meeting, and I remember being surprised at the time that it made a loud noise but didn't hurt. I discovered why later as I was playing with my ring--rotating it around my ring finger (a fairly harmless entertainment). But it wouldn't really rotate well. So, I took it off--it was hard to get off, btw, and imagine my surprise when I held it up and looked through it and it was *very* elliptical. I'd say the major axis was about four times as long as the minor one.
Finally, back on reading...this weekend I read "The Jew in Victorian Literature," which was written a number of years ago by a friend of mine whom I knew as an English teacher at St. John's. She's not there now. Weird. (Almost) no-one is. I think HR may be the only US english teacher who's been there as long as I have been teaching English....