Atheist rant ahead...

Apr 13, 2009 22:09

Hello world. My name is Ben. And I am an Atheist. Let me clarify this:

I am not secretly a Christian. I am not Agnostic. I do not just hate Christians. I do not just hate Muslims. I do not just hate Jews. I do not just hate Gays, Lesbians, or Transgenders. I don't hate anyone really... (see comments below)

Belief be·lief n
1. acceptance by the mind that something is true or real
2. confidence that somebody or something is good or will be effective
3. a statement, principle, or doctrine that a person or group accepts as true
4. an opinion, especially a firm and considered one

I do not believe in a supreme being who magically created the world on a whim and then told his creation to act in the complete opposite way in which they were made.

Here is what I believe:

I believe in science. I believe that all things that exist can be explained rationally through the use of intelligence and reason.

I believe in morality. I believe that people, in order to exist on this planet, need to have a set of rules and live accordingly.

I believe Jesus was a real man... in the same way I believe Gandhi was real, MLK Jr and Mohamed were all real. And I believe they all had really good ideas about getting along and chilling the fuck out. I do not, however, believe any of them were sent from, fathered by, or made by a god.

I believe that some people need the idea of religion and a god to function. My parents, and many of my friends are religious and I think that going to church is good for them because they do not like the idea of death being the end of it all.

I believe that everything that supposedly happened in the bible (ie the plagues of Egypt, etc.) can be explained with reason and rational thought.

I believe that prayer and meditation are simply ways to alter one's own biochemical makeup of the brain, thus allowing for clarity or relaxation... a lot like exercising does for some people.

I believe that most organized religions are nothing more than a way to control the thoughts and actions of people in order to gain money, power and control in the world.

I believe that when I am told "I'll pray for you." That people really don't understand that I don't want that in any way, shape or form. You might as well sacrifice an animal or two... the result is the same: You've wasted your time and insulted my beliefs.

I believe that if you know I'm an atheist and continue to ask me to come to church or tell me that you don't believe me, I have every right to point out all the things I find wrong with your church and religion as a whole. And I believe that if you don't like it, you can turn the other cheek.

I believe that people who claim to be "very religious" and then tell me how much they hate illegal immigrants and want them all deported have clearly not read their own book of faith.

I believe that anyone who supports "war" should resign from the idea of Christianity/Islam/Judaism etc because if religion can incite a war... why can't it work for peace?

I believe that Christmas and Easter can be celebrated by Atheists because a: There isn't a whole lot of religion left in either holiday and b: I get to spend quality time with my family and that is always a good thing.

I believe that religion and the idea of god should not be allowed anywhere near schools, colleges, the government or news networks. Religion is a private matter and should be taught by churches and parents at HOME.

I believe that religions are more exclusive than inclusive... which completely goes against the idea of 90% of all the religions that exist currently on this planet. If people actually read the Bible, Torah, Koran, etc... they would see that their gods are loving and caring to all walks of life. And not only those who are believers.

I believe that when I die, my body will return to the pieces of the earth from which it was made and I will cease to exist on this planet in this form.

I believe that life is too short to hate anyone for being different than me. We're ALL different and that's what makes life good. (On a side note, however, I do hate Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly for their continued preaching of hate and ignorance to the masses who openly follow them... it does nothing but spread intolerance. And I do get the humor in being intolerant of intolerant people)

I believe that people are people and we all make mistakes. And I am willing to accept people for their mistakes.

I believe that the human brain is one of the most complex biochemical "computers" in the entire universe and I am glad to have one.

I believe that love exists between people and marriage exists when two people agree to be together forever. I don't need a man in a robe to tell me that I'm married.

I believe in a lot of things... but I do not believe what you believe. I'll respect your choice if you respect mine.

I believe that if you're still reading this, then you deserve a cookie. But seeing as how I'm not there to give it to you... you'll have to fend for yourself.

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