Oct 14, 2005 14:01
ok, so i realized that my posts have been near to non-existent. i mean, i haven't updated in like 234892639021743 years. whatever. hopefully this will do.
I love you all? no, not really.
OH LOOK A RANT (stop groaning!!)
it really pisses me off
- when people give me dirty looks. i mean i don't talk to these people, i don't know these people, but they know me. god knows why. and the second they walk by me, they stop talking, give me a weird *die look* and walk away. um ok? sure, why not?
- when someone tries to sound smart and says "i am sorry" that's all fine and dandy, but then they end the sentence in a horrible way. observe. "i am sorry but that's who i'm" does anyone else think that's just a tad bit weird. not even a little bit?
- when parents talk about their kid in the other room. i mean WE CAN HEAR YOU!!! we're not stupid (we being all us kids or teenagers. I'm not schizo.)
- when people take my drink without asking it's like ahjdggdauefderd*gag*hjsgfhdsg ARG!!! the germs... it scares me. ok, i'll admit, i kinda suffer from OCD but still. i mean i'm sure normal people don't like germs either. by OCD i mean disorder unsettles me. a lot.
yay, rant over
post over (i know, how sad)
I PROMISE TO UPDATE,i just don't have time.. i WILL FIND time. maybe