I can’t remember if I cried

Jun 07, 2005 10:53

I'm pretty much updating for the sake of updating.

IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN STAR WARS GO SEE IT RIGHT NOW! YOUR LIFE WON'T BE COMPLETE UNTIL YOU HAVE. And I don't want to hear any of that "but I don't like Star Wars" bull. If you don't like it, too bad. Go see it anyway.

I spent my weekend at home (unfortunately) while my parents went to dinner every night... my sisters' nanny came over with her niece and took care of the little one. Valerie and I spend our evening stalking (as valerie puts it) my 2 year old sister. Yes, I said stalking. Hiding behind doors, chairs, under beds, etc to keep an eye on her.

The DaVinci Code comes to a theater near you...
next year
and I'm already plotting to go see it with Amanda... she doesn't know yet, but she will once she reads this.

My sisters' baptism is on Sunday.. oh, the joy. There'll be curtseying (or cutsying, however you want it spelled), and matching outfits (for them of course, not for me), and food. of course, that's the best part. The FOOD =)... wait, no that's not right... CATERED FOOD =D

oh, and just a warning... i kinda got over the-make-Livejournal-public mood and shall now continue to have it as before... If you don't like it, GET OVER IT! Only my friends should be reading this, I mean I don't read the lj's of my non-friends. So basically, if you're my friend then you've been added, and therefore won't miss anything.
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