Sometime in 1994 when I forced to go back to my mother's apartment (my parents have been divorced since I was one) carrying ALL my toys back because my dad's girlfriend's son (try saying THAT really fast) had taken over my already minute room, and didn't want my toys to stay there... he was afraid his friends would laugh at him (he was FIVE, what did he know about shame?) I realize this is petty now, but back then, at four years old, it's a heartbreaker...
Sometime in 2000, when my mother and FIRST stepfather got a divorce... mind you this man almost raised. He was more of my father than my father was.
November of 2000, my great-grandfather died... he was old... he was hit by a car...he was 92... he lived six months in the hospital... I was VERY attached to him.... he'd make me laugh.... he smiled whenever they said my name... (plus he ALWAYS made popcorn when we'd watch movies) I couldn't go to his funeral. :(
Sometime in May 2001, September 2004, March 2005, because those were the unfortunate days where my heart was split in many little pieces, sown back together and ripped apart again. At that point, reality hit me with a crash. Everything I believed in was a lie or a distortion of I thought it was... Everyone I believed in was not who I thought they were... I was abandoned and cast away. I was threathened, I was attacked... I was betrayed. By those I loved and trusted. I used to have faith, I lost it, I gained it again, only to have learned that life is better if I don't have faith in people, or I shall constantly disappointed...
The day I realized I couldn't say "I Love You" to my dad and mean it (I'd love him but hate him at the same time)