Nov 10, 2007 08:32
I didn't expect that things would be the way that they are in Los Angeles when I returned.
Literally on the very night that I return....I return to a sky littering the ground below it with smoldering ashes and shooting flames. It looked to me, strangely, like my good old buddy Angel hadn't held up his end of the bargain on the whole stopping evil thing.
I knew that he wouldn't. Of course, the Senior Partners put too much faith in him and the need for so long to turn him dark and get him on our side....
I have the feeling that they are finally starting to reject that the proposterous notion is ever going to take place. Finally. Still, this seems like an apocalypse and considering that I've been in contact with the Senior Partners for six months since they decided that they didn't want to kill me; quite the opposite in fact...and the Senior Partners didn't order this apocalypse, this seems compellingly serious.
I couldn't have picked a better time to come.
Sure, the Partners don't see it this way. This is a major threat to them and the potential coming of a big enemy. They can't be specific of course, because that would be too easy, you know, telling us who the big enemy is so that we could stop it before Angel did, which would make me about as happy as a pig in slop right now.
Still, I have a face with a smile beaming from ear to ear at the moment as I pass people on the streets in my new Dodge Nitro, the window down, listening to them whine and cry like sheep because they can't possibly comprehend what's going on. Sheep. I'm sure that Angel will personally go to all of them and tell them that everything will be fine and once he rapplies his hair gel, he'll make this all better.
I laughed at the thought. Me, we'll I'm personally on my way back to the place that I left twenty-one months ago to see Lilah. Apparently, Lilah killed Murrow and now runs the show. The Senior Partners were impressed with the way that she attempted to get Angel's son, which is another matter that I don't want to get into right now. They were also impressed with the way that she went to them and gave them everything about Murrow and his cowardice. Murrow was a bastard, but ruthless, which I respected in him; it was the only thing that I respected about him. I can already picture her spying on me, except that with me, the Senior Partners know that I'm now their most powerful instrument and the natural choice for a co-leader with Lilah.
That's an old song from a couple of years ago, those in power believe that Lilah and I, together, can bring the right requisite apocalypse to fruition and grease all of the appropriate wheels to ensure that this happens. This time, however, they won't be appointing one of us after a grace period to see who's better. They know that Lilah has her strengths and with the training that I got in Tibet, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and Romania...that I have mine.
I just can't wait to see her face when I walk through the doors. I can't wait for her to pull a power play on me and attempt to have me thrown from the building. Yes, the Senior Partners haven't alerted her that I'm coming and I love that. They even gave me carte blanche to kill a couple guards in front of her to prove my new power and abilities to her. Like the Senior Partners care about a couple of low-level employees. Please. They respect that and I'll oblige even if Lilah doesn't call the wolves on me.
I parked in front of the massive office and quickly walked in. I rushed to the elevator, blocking my face. I didn't want some secretary to see me and report to Lilah that I'm in the building. I don't think that this would have happened, though, because everything is crazy in here right now. People were running around in the lobby and I couldn't decide if it is poor leadership from Lilah or if it's good leadership, seeing that preparations were required with this new coming apocalypse that threatened the Senior Partner's themselves.
I had a big smile on my face as I went upwards in the elevator that widened as nobody stopped the elevator by trying to get on it in my journey upwards. The elevator opened and immediately, I went for Lilah's office. Gavin Park strolled by and was so consumed with himself that he didn't pay me any mind. When I opened the door to Lilah's office, the same thing could not be said. Her face was priceless.
"Hello, Lilah," I said with a bigger ear to ear grin, my hands in my pockets like I didn't have a care in the world.