Dec 31, 2007 21:38
I haven't posted in forever, it feels, but honestly there hasn't been much to say. I still read entries from others. I think I'll get back to it though--the posting. I miss writing for the sake of writing. There are alot of things I think I'll get back to in the new year, as always, like everyone else. I used to be very cynical about new year's resolutions. Mostly because we rarely keep them. I refused, for a long time, to even make them. Or at least admit I made them. Truth be told, I'm likely to be the same disorganized, lazy, procrastinating, overweight person I am today this time in a year. But the sense of hope and joy and possibility that grips nearly everyone at least for a day is too overwhelming to resist anymore. I will, at least for a day, believe in the possibility of change. After all, a year ago today I sat reading this silly horoscope thing that I had become obsessed with reading that said that by the end of the year (2007), I would be in a relationship and ready to settle down. And here I am happy in a real relationship with a man for the first time in a long time, and I'm happy. I don't want to think about, see, talk to, or be with anyone else. If he's not the one, then there is no "one". After the ridiculousness of this year and my involvement with men, I'm very pleasantly surprised to find myself thinking of forever. I can only smile to myself these days when i think of him, and realize that no matter how long it lasts--be it another week, month, year, or lifetime, that this is love. It feels like life is finally settling into place, at least in some areas. Now it's time to work on the others...until then, happy new years to any looney toon still reading this...