i love learning new stuff and having it WORK. thanks ben!
today at friendly's was slow. slow days are the best kind of days because once everything's restocked i can just hang out with everyone. there was a stretch where kurt and i had absolutely no slips to make, so we chilled out in the fountain area and talked. ahaha chilled. i made a pun.
for the last hour of my shift there was nobody in the entire restaurant. all the waitresses, grill cooks, even the manager, and i sat in the booths closest to the grill and talked.
i find that i get along very well with the people i work with, probably because we work to help each other. everyone has their own task to do, and everyone else's job involves helping you do yours. the grill cooks make the food as quickly as they can for the wait staff, who help me make ice cream when i'm busy, and i help with the dish room when i'm free, and the dish person will usually bus tables for the waitresses when they can't get to them...
harmony. very cool.
not always, though. there is a lot of crap going on between people in friendly's that i try to stay out of. but for most of the time we all get along very well.
i think that's also why when people want to hang out, but have no specific idea of what to do, it can get tedious. last night was awesome because we got to dye eggs. having something to do while you talk in a group eases things. makes it more relaxed. you have a focus. then when you're sick of whatever it is, and done talking, it's awesome to have people to just fall asleep with while watching a movie. cuddling x4 people = amazing.
this also brings me to believe that love is part familiarity. (i've been thinking along these lines for my humanities paper, and also since ron and essy were here). it's not even boy-girl-let's-get-it-on love, but more like feeling like a family when you're with your friends. absolutely loving them for who they are, and them loving you for the same reasons. i wrote a written journal entry on it once...this is kind of a parallel to it.
actually, this is a crazy tangent from my day at friendly's. it should be noted: i don't LOVE the people i work with. i just enjoy their company. in case you were confused.
I dig my toes into the sand
the ocean looks like a thousand diamonds
strewn across a blue blanket
I lean against the wind
pretend that I am weightless
and in this moment I am happy
my mind has stopped wandering coherently.