(no subject)

Sep 20, 2006 13:03

I recently submitted an application, and portfolio, to a journalism scholarship committee, and today I found out that I have got the scholarship :D They are giving me several thousand pounds, the idiots! Even more importantly, in my opinion, it comes with a guaranteed work experience offer from the newspapers involved, which is great, especially when you consider how hard it is to get media jobs.. Very good opportunity, certainly.

One of the portfolio pieces in my application - included alongside, er, proper things, like the articles I wrote whilst in Bolivia - was a small selection of Livejournal entries, that is, ones from back when I actually used to put some effort into writing these things properly.. So now I can say that my Livejournal is worth money and stuff, heh ;)

Oh, and when I opened the front door this morning, there was a bottle of wine on the doorstep "waiting" for me! It was from the woman who keeps horses in the field on one side of our garden, as an apology for her horse having escaped from his field several times recently and subsequently gone on the rampage through our flowerbeds etc.. Not such an annoying horse after all ;)
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