(no subject)

Jul 27, 2006 17:41

I'm so very tired today: Craig got up to leave for Ireland at about half three this morning and I didn't properly get back to sleep again till about seven, and was getting up at eight, so...

I witnessed one of my cats having a stroke the other day, which was horrible. She was taken straight to the vet's and is doing better now. I'm extremely worried about her now though.

I received a letter back from the Senior Examinations Officer, in response to my complaint about one of my exam invigilators last month. The invigilator is lying through her teeth about some things - namely, that she was unaware that some students were reading notes out in the communal area. I told her this was the case, the lying slag! Anyway, she's apologised to me, at least, as has this superior of hers, many times over, and they're retraining this woman and are promising to address all the issues I highlighted. The woman who wrote the letter is quite damning of the invigilator, apologising for her 'inappropriate and uninformed conduct' (ha!), so it's quite a good response to receive really.

A girl who works at a smoothie place that I visit fairly regularly in the city seems to always have some sort of embarrassing accident whenever she's serving me. The last time I was in there, she managed to pour my entire smoothie all over the counter, actually managing to miss the cup entirely, and it all ran off the counter and dripped all over her shoes etc. When I was in there earlier today, she reached over some things on the counter to reach something and knocked a fruitbowl over and lots of pieces of fruit all went rolling away out of the shop. I ran after them all and picked them all up for her - wasn't sure if she'd actually go on to use any of it, but she would've had to have gone after it anyway to prevent an accident or something - and she was quite rude when I went to hand it all to her. A customer sitting on a stool in front of the counter had a go at her for not being grateful to me :\ I mean, a 'thank you' would've been nice but I appreciate that she must've been feeling horribly embarrassed, so I'm not too miffed about it. I, however, started to feel a bit embarrassed myself when the man next to me starting having a go at her on my behalf; really quite awkward!

Oh, there's currently hundreds of Guides (as in, Girl Guides, or whatever they're called) just down the road from me, at some sort of Regional Meet-Up or something. There's hoards of them camping in the grounds of the local convent school - the one I went to for about a year, during which time the nuns told me I would go to hell for dying my hair - and they probably don't know what they've let themselves in for, since the nuns seem to be helping out with things, or, at least, overseeing them. Several of the nuns' facial hair - beards, even - have become even more impressive since last I laid eyes on them.

Craig's in Ireland for a bit now, so I don't think I'm going to this free music festival thing on Saturday anymore, which is a shame. Nobody else seems to be going, damn them all. A free music event, on (hopefully) a nice sunny day, with a well-stocked BAR, why would you turn this down?? I am planning to go to this traditional lantern floating ceremony, in memory of Hiroshima, on Sunday, however. It's being organised by the local monks, so should be especially pretty. I think my grandmother might want to come with me.

I've got to go and be anaesthetised in hospital on Monday, which'll be fun, I'm sure.. :\ Happy thoughts and all that!
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