Going to Keltfest, and Castlefest, oh, and Elf Fantasy Fair.

May 06, 2013 20:50

Castlefest, Elf Fantasy Fair. Events I always wanted to go to, but never could. Because work always scheduled me in, making it impossible to go.

But now I can, and a friend asked me to come along to Keltfest. Linkity: http://keltfest.nl/page/nl/nieuws.php

It's extremely rare for me to be able to get in touch with my earthchild side, to nurture and exhibit my empathic relationship to the earth and the energies. In my family, it does not gather any interest, nor acceptance. It is weird, unfitting, abnormal. But if I'm going to live with my friends who are embracing celtic and pagan lifestyles anyway, nothing like a good old fair to say 'welcome to the place where you belong!'

It'll be a good start of a new life.
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