So the BBC has an article about how Canada has said that the law forbidding polygamy was not going to be changed- and then tells that the whole reason it was brought up was for the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) and how they want it changed. So anyway, I get this email from someone who hates my religion (I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.....please notice that Fundamentalist is NOT in the title) and it is all about rage and yelling at me and how my religion is a cult and horrible.
I wrote back and said that he should have read the article better, and I quote: "The FLDS split from the mainstream Mormon church over the issue of polygamy, and has an estimated 10,000 followers in parts of the US and Canada." (
article here) I told the person that I am "The Mainstream Mormon church" and we do not practice polygamy and do not support it. He comes back with the whole "You use to!" and I am all "I never said that we didn't- but that was back when it wasn't against the law and was stopped when the US made it illegal. This was the year 1890." I then gave him a link to what one of our former presidents Gordon B. Hinkley has said about polygamy on one of our official websites. ( and
He then sent me one last hate filled letter about how he didn't care what I said, and that he KNEW we were the polygamy people and that we were evil, evil, evil.
Whatever dude! Whatever!
It is so funny! We have the LDS church (mine- the full name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints- and the original church) then we had for many years the RLDS church (Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, which broke off from the original church after Joseph Smith was murdered, but a few years ago they changed their name to "Community of Christ".) after that another splinter group the FLDS church (Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints, which broke off from the original church when polygamy was outlawed) So I understand how people can be confused- but come on! Maybe take some time to look some things up before you send a hate filled letter. Then again, people who send hate filled letters can't be counted on to be normal in the first place.
Plus, the FLDS church is an organization that is very small compared to the LDS church.
FLDS= around 10,000 members. (In US and Canada)
LDS= over 14 million members. (All over the world)
So yeah, not the same church guy!
...and I'm done.
I don't usually talk about my religion here all that much- mostly becasue I use this for random squeeing moments and not so much "real" issues- but this guy just really pissed me off. Now that I live in Utah, I don't have to put up with a lot of that crap anymore (I always had to defend/explain my religion when I lived in other states) so maybe I am out of practice. :) I know that this is very little compared to what others (i.e.
irony_rocks) has to deal with all the time- but still. UGG!
Feel free to comment- but be warned if you comment only to tell me what I believe (I assure you that I know what I believe- and don't need your help. I've been in the same church for 31 years, and probably know just a little bit more about it than you do, k.) then I will delete your comment without bothering to answer.