Me and REn are having so much fun lol hahahahahahhaa photo shoots, french fries, macoroni and cheese, Cocoa Ridge MT. Valley of swiss Miss. It was great lol ummm i wore this really pretty dress we both did of rens it was very sexy lol black sparkles it works roses going down. lol roses going down hahahahaha How suggestive any way Our hair looks so pretty it is very very very cool i likitalot. Does everyone like my new layout? i no you do! Snaps for ren! she photographed and made the layout etc becuase she knows all about that stuff and i haven't the slightest fucking clue. Amon went to the dentist today so he can't come over to ren's so they are both in withdrawl makes 2 sad ppl. awww
WE are starting the Justin Guarini fan club.
Accepting applications immediately.
we also played naked uno and such you should visit ren lj to see all pictures. we had so much fun doing them .
anyway i am going to start going to the Y after school ( maybe ren shall come if she gets a membership) anyway the purpose of that is so i can getin shape for tennis.
We were talking to amon on the phone and he askead ren how to spell turtle. an di said well i'd like to see him try to spell platypus and he says p-l-a-t..eepuss. It was really funnie well i'm going to go know so ren can update her lj. farwell to all. - agbr