So ive bought a WHOLLEE bunch of plaid skirts and crap bbut i need pants!
I need something that looks like this! with the zippers and everything.
Also ne other plaid pants in these colors
Blue + Black and yellow+ PINK
Size 7-8
-Tank girl [[ comics, shirts, patches.. watever you have ]]
-Punk bands Merch.
-Cheetah Converse/ or vans [[ size 5.5 or 6 ]]
-RED plaid Vans [[ i once saw them in the mall but never thought of buying them! now i adlyy want them ]]
-Pyramid Studs [[ they come in a bag of like 50 or 100 but i'll take as many studs as your selling ]]
- Neon Star Raver beads
-"Special Effects" hair dye. [[ pink, purple, blue, green.... please please no black ]]