The Joys of Writing

Jul 09, 2006 19:13

I'm trying to switch back over into writing mode right now.  Got some stuff down on paper, not much but it took me hours to get a very little because I wanted it to sound just right.  Its an opening bit for a longer story.

One of these days I'll be able to write short stories again.  In nineth grade my English teacher posted plot hooks and made us finish off the tale in two pages.  There were 20 hooks to choose from and we had to have 12 completed by the end of the semester.  Currently i'm looking around for something like that, where I can write a 5 page story about one small idea and have it be concise and finished.

As soon as
fenris_lorsrai finishes the New England Rage plotline I get to release the serialized Africa version.  At the moment she said it looks like I'll release in mid to late August.  Whoohoo.

Also was busy looking over Rage Playtest Cards in order to pick out characters for the next story line.  I have to eventually mention all the characters, but I need main characters to write for. I've got my Wyrm main character team picked out.  These are characters I would bet money on will make it out of playtesting, though there may be changes to their abilities.  I'm not as concerned about that.  I know what I wanted the Wyrm to be doing and I found some characters who would be the sort to be behind that plot.

I've even got my enigma.  Maybe I like 1940s pulps too much, but an enigmatic woman who shows up in all the wrong places to befuddle the heroes is appealing to me.  And I've got one of those.  Whoohoo.

I'm having more trouble finding renown 2-6 characters to make up the hero team.   Just as soon as I get a lead on one, I decide I don't think it will make good pack material.  Which I suppose in inevitable with Bastet.  One of the problems I'm running up against is too many feline/lupus that fall in that category.  I'm all for having some of those in my hero group, but as I look at the potential ones I have written down that I liked, I find they're all non-homids.  I've looked through all the sets now and its driving me crazy.  I'm hoping some research on my leads will turn up something I can use.

In other side notes on my plots:

Setites!  I get to write Setites!  I'm so happy.   I'm planning more for them to be a side group than the main Wyrm team, since they don't consider themselves of the Wyrm.  However, I get to play with Setite philosophy and religious fanaticism.  Whoohoo.

Ajaba.  I'm not a big fan of the Ajaba.  I've got nothing against hyenas, but according to second ed they are enemies of and outcast Bastet.  In all wars you must pick a side, and I chose the cats.  So I'm going to have to do some reading up on the WW 3rd ed Ajaba in which the Ajaba are not tainted Bastet.  However, based on the way Rage Rules has decided to package things, the Ajaba are likely to be the first group the heroes run into and the early antagonists to my Wyrmy anti-heroes.  So yes, hyena fans, there will be characters for you to enjoy.
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