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I hit the bottom with a HUH quite strange. treadingdawn October 30 2009, 03:12:56 UTC
"A what," he asks, genuinely curious about a salami slicer...salami in general.

Well nevermind that. Caspian lets Chase do what he knows best, inspecting injuries. He is careful not to shake his head or blow his nose so the doctor doesn't get an unnecessary blast of blood on his face, though they ought to be wary of giving Caspian any reason to sneeze. Not only would it be messy it would hurt something terrible too. Tipped and left to Chase's orders he simply does as he's told. Only when he returns do brown eyes widen at the tools in tow. The speculum doesn't look friendly at all, something better suited for the interrogation chamber under the castle, which by the way, let it be known, he doesn't make use of very often. Anyway he takes the ice pack, wincing at the touch of cold to the swelling. Hopefully there's a clock within sight else Caspian will have to countdown the time...and he will count inaccurately.

"I don't want it to be crooked," says the Telmarine, a brief moment of his vanity showing, but the underlying reason is he prefers for them to not have any reminder long after the curse is over. Peter doesn't need it. Fortunately a deformity isn't likely.

"Yes, I am. Edmund is able and capable. Peter...he came to his senses once we pulled him out of the woods." Caspian nods just slightly so as not to disturb Chase's inspection. Then he speaks again, "it's a terrible curse, whatever it is."


I hit the bottom with a HUH quite strange. worksmart October 30 2009, 03:31:15 UTC
"Shouldn't be crooked," Chase can ascertain, running his thumbs gently up either side of the cartilage to press lightly under the pack held at the bridge. "You're going to have an hell of a bruise for a week and then it should settle down all right. Maybe a bump, at worst. But lets take a look."

Now he's reaching for... oh, just a little spray bottle. Anaesthetic."Why was he trying to kill you? This will be cold."

Two incongruous statements, the latter followed by a quick squirt of lignocaine up each nostril. Please don't sneeze. "It's dramatic, for a change of heart. Now tip your head back? You shouldn't be in too much pain while I feel around up there, so if it hurts, yell at me."


I hit the bottom with a HUH quite strange. treadingdawn October 30 2009, 03:46:11 UTC
"Thank the lion," he breathes before wincing at the pressure on his nose however light it is. It's only a reaction to being touched around the wound period. "Well that is ideal," Caspian says, attempting to get over his anxiety for what might be going around or up his nose next.

The spray doesn't look so threatening but you never know with these modern day technologies. He is in fact eyeballing the bottle but Chase's question distracts him.

"Because he was cursed," that's the simple answer. Another wince for the shots of chemical and he shudders a bit from the coolness. Fortunately a sneeze doesn't tickle there. "Because he felt I was to blame for what had gone wrong, in Narnia," he clarifies, expressing that this is an older story, before they had come to the city. Caspian tips his head back as told, again anxious for what Chase is going to do, but he trusts the doctor.

"I know it isn't true, what he said, how he felt. He was cursed." The repetition may be more for himself than for clarification to Chase. "Thank you," he says, feeling it's belated.


I hit the bottom with a HUH quite strange. worksmart October 30 2009, 04:08:59 UTC
"Then it was just you he took against." A statement, not a question, because talking won't be easy right away. The nasal speculum isn't so bad, though, just cold metal and a slightly tight feeling no worse than the pressure of the fracture already inflicted. Chase leans over Caspian, but clearly isn't getting the results he wants with a torch.

"Sounds pretty standard for a curse, to me."

In fact the second greatest risk of liking someone in the city appears to be the risk of them turning on you, whether with a sword or with jokes about you being a six minute man. And those hurt, thanks. If he wanted to bore on the subject, Chase could tie the phenomena in to the rest of the metaphors on real life mental thesis he's been working on since arrival.

He doesn't want to bore, though, this is going to be little enough fun. Straightening up again, clicking off the torch, he reaches for a narrow length of black tubing from the same tray. This attached to a socket which in turn can be connected to one of the wires trailing out of the monitor behind the bed. Chase looks down at Caspian.

"Don't thank me yet, you're not going to like how this feels. I'm going to need three minutes on either side to check for a hematoma, and then we can get you some pain pills and sew up your hand. Don't try to breathe through your nose, but keep breathing. Got it?"


I hit the bottom with a HUH quite strange. treadingdawn October 30 2009, 04:27:41 UTC
Everyone ought to be glad Caspian is no mindreader else he'd ask what is a six minute man?

"It is the first time he's ever turned that way. I wouldn't say I thought it would never happen in a place like this, it was surprising," he speaks like he has something to defend here but Caspian can't put his finger on what. He isn't offended that it happened, his trust in his friend who is more than a friend hasn't been damaged, but he is feeling defensive. All for the best because it distracts him from paying attention to the speculum...it does not distract him from the tubing.

"A what," again the Narnian unfamiliar with current practices repeats an often asked question. Still he does as told, and by the way he has been sort of keeping track of the five-on-two-off rule. Caspian exhales, through his mouth. "'Got it.'"


I hit the bottom with a HUH quite strange. worksmart October 30 2009, 04:49:15 UTC
Excellent ice pack technique. Chase is just going to take it away for a moment. This may or may not be a good thing; it certainly affords a much better view of this tube going up Caspian's nose.

"A hematoma. If you've got a fracture it's possible you've also got a pool of blood building up somewhere in it, like an internal bruise, and that can be dangerous. Relax as much as you can... good. This tube has a little camera and some lights in it, which means I can take a good look at what's going on inside your nose," he jerks an elbow in the direction of the monitor, "And so can you, if you like."

Not that the televised image is much more than a dark, pink, sore looking passageway. Chase seems to know his way around it, at least. Caspian might feel slightly suffocated. "Keep breathing, you're looking good. You're more at risk of hematoma," he draws the tube out and waits for any relief response to pass, cleaning the tubing before trying the right side, "if you've taken a blunt trauma direct to the bridge. That's why I'm checking."

It probably feels like longer than it takes before Chase is retrieving the tubing again, and looking up. "I assume it was surprising at least partly because it was inaccurate. You weren't responsible."

That last sounds like a question, but it could just be his accent.


I hit the bottom with a HUH quite strange. treadingdawn October 30 2009, 05:09:05 UTC
Well fine, he relinquishes the ice pack even though he's gained mastery over it in such a short period of time. Watching the movement of the funny looking tube going up places he didn't know tubes could go without killing a man is not Caspian's idea of education. Learning the ins and outs of blood transfusion has actual use on the field...this seems a bit more embarrassing than anything. Yes it is helpful, yes it will tell the doctor if he requires other medical procedures or not, but when you get down to it it's a black rod wiggling around his nasal cavity. Never tell him what other parts of the body this technology can apply to. In any case, he keeps his gaze focused up, not to the side, not at the monitor, and not down at the black line leading from his nose.

"You know what you are doing..."

Caspian concludes just as his breath hitches. It does feel a little suffocating, the instinct to get away from the foreign object strong enough that sensitivity is yet again heightened than it already has been from the trauma. Breathing through his nose happens only once and he swallows, exhaling through his mouth, trying to remain calm. He has been through worse, has had the IV needle stuck in his wrist, has had himself nearly run through by a halberd. This is nothing. At least that's what he tells himself. When the tub pulls out from the first side the urge to rub his face is extremely tempting but he manages some restraint.

"It was inaccurate, just a taste of what might have been which is far from what is." But responsible? He swears Peter chose to beat his face in rather than gut him because he couldn't stand the look of him. A fresh faced rebel prince in that state of mind, everything new and unattached to what his own people had done to tear down what the Kings and Queens of Old had helped to build up. Either way, he doesn't answer what might have been a question in Chase's accent. "I don't think I should go back so soon after this," Caspian says, resisting a shake of his head.


I hit the bottom with a HUH quite strange. worksmart October 30 2009, 05:37:42 UTC
"I could reasonably have you monitored for concussion overnight," the doctor offers, only the faintest flick of his eyeline to the side indicating that maybe it's not entirely reasonable. Not like there's a bed shortage. "But your friends are going to worry about you."

He wasn't responsible, not if the books are even a near retelling of Caspian's 'truth'. Thus the question (in his accent) served largely to protect Chase from being asked why he would know. Beyond that, power struggles are annoying, and particularly power struggles between two kids. He vaguely wonders how much Peter might have in common with Foreman, changing his gloves for a fresh pair.

Oh and two painkillers in a little plastic cup, along with the return of the ubiquitious icepack, "Swallow these, then if you could take off anything that's restrictive on your upper body - I'll help - and lie down."

He's buggered if he knows the correct term for a brigandine.


I hit the bottom with a HUH quite strange. treadingdawn October 30 2009, 06:04:36 UTC
"I can tell them I'm here and they shouldn't worry," he suggests, knowing it's the wrong way to go about things. With her back in this world they ought to stick together, especially if Peter is feeling ashamed or guilty and whatever other feelings Caspian knows he'll have. They call it a double standard because when Caspian was in a wrong state Peter was the first to tell him not to blame himself. But boys are stubborn, particularly those born of sword and shield, regardless of age.

Where Chase knowing more than he lets on is concerned, the Telmarine King doesn't have too much of a suspicion, but there is something in his manner that reminds him of Zach. He knows Zach knew more than he would ever let on, even when threatened by force, but that incident is incomplete in Caspian's memory.

The pills in the plastic cup get a stare. Neither of them bear the mark of a star or a dove as he recalls what he'd taken at Victrola, and by now Caspian has learned there are good pills and there are bad pills. The good ones come from reputable doctors in a reputable hospital...unless the prescription's written up by someone in oncology but that's neither here nor there. He tosses them back and swallows, the distaste on his face rather clear until he obscures some of his expression with the icepack.

"The armor?" Oh yes, he asks, but the cheekiness is short-lived as his good fingers work to unbuckle the rig that held his weaponry, then the brigandine itself. The vambraces will need direct help being unlaced but surely Chase can figure them out, right? "He's going to feel horrible," Caspian utters after a moment's silence, like I do. Brown eyes avert their gaze for another stretch of seconds that it takes to remove all the leather. For the record, that brigandine isn't light.

"I'll stay for a little while." Caspian makes his decision, not quite overnight but not an immediate return either. "A terrible thing from our world is here. We shouldn't be separated for long," he shakes his head, not wanting to have to explain her but a warning is due, "the White Witch. Don't listen to her if you do cross paths."


I hit the bottom with a HUH quite strange. worksmart November 5 2009, 15:31:13 UTC
Chase will (probably) only drug you for good causes, Caspian. There will be a small bottle of the same written up to accompany the king home, instructions on the label in English and Spanish. Meanwhile the doctor is working on the arm lace-up things. Maybe if he'd been a battle recreationist he might have a better idea of the technical terms. Much better than filling his time with all that boring medical latin.

For the record, Chase can heft a brigandine with the best of them. Lets not talk about the clunk as it hits the metal trolley.

"If he didn't feel bad, I'd say it was time to start worrying about him. Tell them you're here and I'll let you check yourself out when you feel up to it." Chase replies, reaching for the sterile wipes to take a look at the damage to Caspian's hand now that the leather tourniquets have been disposed of. He's ready for the complaints to come later; stitches across the palm itch like hell, and the tenth of his line seems to have more of a problem with needles than the sword that first did the damage. As a plus point this won't take long, it's nurse work really.

Of course Peter's going to feel horrible. Chase has felt pretty bad after some fights, himself, but he's never committed domestic violence while under the influence. Waking up with no real memory of act or intention but knowing what's been done, however, he's seen in enough patients. Mentally he adds curses as substance abuse analogy to the mental checklist of reasons he's imagining this.

His focus snaps up perhaps a little too quickly to meet Caspian's gaze as he speaks of the witch. And he's perhaps a moment too slow formulating the response, "How do you know a white witch when you meet one?"

To be fair, he spoke to a witch just the other day. Her name was Willow; didn't seem threatening.


I hit the bottom with a HUH quite strange. treadingdawn November 5 2009, 20:44:08 UTC
And yet word on the street is Chase has a high skill level when it comes to the sport of bowling and all its technical jargon, not to mention obligatory accessories. Honestly. Really if Chase had been a battle recreationist he might know those leather tourniquets keep his wrists from getting slashed. But Caspian isn't one to talk as the person who more or less inflicted the injuries upon his palm himself. After the fact he does sort of wonder why he took hold of Rhindon in the first place. Yes, to keep it from cutting into his neck, and maybe to show Peter he was unafraid. The phrase don't let them see you sweat comes to mind. He couldn't give the curse that power but in doing so caused harm to himself, not thinking the person under the curse's influence, a friend, his friend who is more than a friend, will be more likely to wince and turn away from the sight of the wound.

Maybe for this reason alone Caspian X will not complain one bit when he must receive stitches. They'll thread through his skin, he won't like it but that's punishment enough, and in the end the stitches are good for him anyway.

"I will do that," he nods to Chase, appreciating the option to leave as soon as he feels ready. Unfortunately sometimes the Telmarine doesn't feel ready when he actually is, but perhaps the doctor already knows that.

What he won't call it is domestic violence, firstly because Caspian probably can't wrap his mind around the meaning of it in modern times, and secondly because Peter is not truly at fault. They have never laid a hand on each other otherwise. Nearly coming to blows at the How doesn't count because that was before any of this and tensions were high with the deaths of their soldiers on their hands. They were boys looking for someone to blame, mainly each other. In fact it was the witch herself who helped to bring a King of Old and a Rebel Prince by underscoring the fact there are worse things that can happen and they will happen if they don't put their differences aside. None of it ever expressed by her will intentionally of course. Caspian knows now, the curse today, had everything to do with that horrible possibility, of accepting her offer out of pride and blind ambition. History repeated itself today too with Edmund arriving just in the nick of time.

The quick snap does not go unnoticed. "Have you already spoken to her," Caspian asks, interpreting Chase's expression as one of recognition, but how well the blond recognizes her is something he'll never know. His question is a curious one, succeeding in throwing him off that track. "She is shameless in calling herself Jadis the Queen of Narnia, wrongfully. If you are human she may ask for your blood and she will be tempting in doing so," he explains with a huff only to look at his wounded hand. Why he didn't notice before is strange--well not so strange, he was too busy fighting off Peter--the cut in his palm is in the exact same place where the hag opened him up for the White Witch. "She'll try to fool you with false gifts," Caspian concludes, brown eyes meeting Chase's blue ones again. He won't tell him to talk to Edmund if he wants to know more about it, but again, Chase doesn't need to be told.


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