finally finally saw fahrenheit 9 11...
ok yes it's one side of a story... but, given that, some personal reactions include:
goose bumps on goose bumps during the presentation of the bombing... the screen is just black (instead of showing the damned footage that was played and replayed on the news that day and too long thereafter,) with sound and then just shots of individual reactions of people on the street at the time...
remembering thinking to myself when bush first took office... "gee he sure seems to be on vacation a lot...." turns out he was on vacation 40% of his time in office before sept. 11
sickened, just sickened by facts and news footage never released to mainstream america (um like, after the bombing of 9/11 all air flights were grounded except 24 members of the bin laden family were privately and commercially allowed to fly out of the country... and i won't even get into the facts of the bush's ties to them and saudi funding in general...)
i'm really sad
ashamed of our government, ashamed of our foreign policy, ashamed of the human race and the base simple fact that greed (ala money) is a part of human nature... more so in some than others....
did i mention sad
and... i wish everyone would see it
that's all... i hate politics, i hate confrontation.... i hate feeling hate
if there's one message this film teaches... it's that ignorance truly is bliss
the truth is downright depressing
in other news: after seeing again what an atrocity of legislation the 'patriot act' is: does anyone else who has a Gmail account ever get the slight bit nervous/suspicious about this service and how it's free and how it encourages you to save all your emails? on a server? instead of your own computer? i mean, i don't have anything to hide, they can have all my penis enlargement and horny moms fodder and pbs work conversations, but i'm just sayin...
i never trust anything that's free... will they get us hooked on the good UI and utility of it then all of a sudden say, oops now it's a paid only service (and oh you wanna recover all those emails we stored for you?) or does it run deeper?? (i better have another beer, i am using it, and like it quite nicely...)
nothing's free, there's a cost to everything sooner or later (and yes all smart alecs, i believe even with love there is a price you pay, and i'm not talkin about hookers and dollars...)