Hello out there! I have been hesitating hardcore about this first post, to be honest. This fits with my usual pattern of dealing with things:
1. Self sees molehill
2. Self makes mountain
3. Self freaks the frick out
It took me a while to actually get this baby up, and even once it was up, I didn't write anything. After all, I don't have THAT interesting a life, if we're being honest. But then I was wriggling around the series of tubes (just ask
Ted Stevens) and looking at other people's blogs. And you know, I noticed something: interesting life? Not a requirement. I mean, sure, there are millions of worthy people on this planet, and lots of them have blogs, and lots of these blogs discuss important things. But for every blog that chronicles one man's adventure in stopping disease in Africa, there are another 40 that are up Just For Fun.
I like that.
So I think I'll go ahead with this LJ thang, but my rule (I'm big on rules) is that this is Just For Fun. I'll be putting up some stuff I've written (friendslocked, most likely), but just for fun. I'll be talking (embellishing) about my life, but just for fun. I'll be complaining, God knows, and that? Reeeally fun. The bottom line is that I refuse to let this LJ be something I can be guilted into or a chore that I need to get done every day. Because I know that if I do that, I will probably go a little crazy.
All right! Just wanted to put that up there in writing, mostly for Future Self, who will totally get stressed about this at some point. Future Self! It's okay! Past Self's got your back.
Past Self is also procrastinating like a mofo. For those of you who are creepy Internet strangers, I'm in uni, first year, and I guess I'll talk about that more later. But for now, I am totally avoiding an essay, due tomorrow (yes, that tomorrow, the one after today) about Zhou society and how agriculture was, um, like, important to them. Mmmhm.
I should be gettin' going, time to stare at a Word document for a couple hours. Or perhaps at my math homework (due on that same tomorrow) for the my third-year History of Math class. Not a great idea, Past Self, way to screw me over on that one. You too, Babylonians. What. Were you thinking. When you tried. To. Get. Square. Roots. Also: sexegesimal system with two symbols? No! Not a good idea!
I feel sort of like I'm just shouting into an empty room (or at my buddy
thought_goddess , hi, Thought!), but you know, it's not that bad. All right, Internet, let's see if we can make this work.