Happy Electioneen! 36 hours (give or take) from now, the people will have spoken and we will know who January's Mister President will be! Personally, cannot wait. Elections are so extremely exciting, I can hardly take it. I'm basically wetting myself as I flick back to
FiveThirtyEight every couple minutes. Numbers! Graphs! Charts! Maps! Excuse me while I roll around in orgiastic statistic glee.
In an extremely ill-advised move earlier, I went to see what the Freepers thought (loosely speaking, in some cases) of Obama's grandmother's death. Some of it was decent and human, thank goodness, but some of it, surprise, surprise, was ignorant and hateful. I mean, one of the tags for the article was 'euthanasia.' But! I will remain serene. The bitters are being vocal because the polls are, well, looking great. *does a hopeful happy dance*
In between my fits of election, I've also been spending my day watching some tremendously trashy television. Before I moved for uni, watched: some anime, The West Wing, the news, the fake news, the odd A&E documentary, and Supernatural. Hey, everybody's got to have an indulgence, eh? Since I came to uni, have been watching: some anime, the fake news, Generation Kill, America's Next Top Model, Gossip Girl, Supernatural, and... Paris Hilton's My New BFF.
...I can't go home, they won't even recognise me. *is ashamed* I can almost convince myself I'm not total Whiskey Tango if I say Paris Hilton is just conducting a huge social experiment, right?
... Right?
Hey, ten minutes have passed! Time to look at maps!