Mar 23, 2007 12:54
This is a strange post. It's more of a request than a legitimate journal entry, and it's a request I know has little chance of success. It doesn't stop me from tryin', though.
Does anybody here remember the band I Saved Latin? They were from South Boston, but in a better way than TCS$20 was. They were really good, I thought, for that level of bandedness. I remember vague things about them: one of the band members was the son of one of the ladies who owned the G-Spot, one of the band members was a Berneche (but he left during the height of my G-spot days), the Berneche was replaced with another guitarist, and they got a screamer. I think they got signed.
I used to have their CD "Surprisingly Happy and Remarkably Well Adjusted" but I lost it somewhere along the way. I think it got lost when I left my cd case in TJ's car last year. I've been all over the interwebs trying to find their webpage, or download their music, or something but...nothing.
Does anybody have any of their cds anymore? Can I get a copy? Or, do you know what happened to them? Did they change their name? Break up so hard that they erased all memory of themselves from the internet? Why can't I find them?
My sadness!