How can you sit there and be offended by him (or some men) not being attracted to overweight chicks. I looked you up on myspace after reading this- and there you are talking shit about ugly punk rock chicks. Well, some people feel the same about fat chicks. Such is life. I'm not a punk rock girl, so I really don't care that you find them ugly. But back to the whole being insulted thing: Hmmm- it's not like he said that it was the color of your eyes or some other feature you can't change that wasn't attractive to some men. He was talking about weight. And let's face it- you CAN change your weight. Just get off your ass and workout. Or cut down on the beer and crappy food. Don't sit and act the martyr over something like that. What irritates me MOST of all, is that you sit there and call yourself skinhead. That's a direct insult to me as a skinhead. Can someone PUH-LEASE tell me why 90% of all skinhead girls are fucking fat?? Jesus christ! Part of being a skinhead is having some goddamn pride in yourself- and that DOES include appearance. I'm not sitting here saying I'm perfect, but guess what? I take enough PRIDE in myself to bust my butt on a daily basis to look how I do. And it isn't about doing it for men- it's about me caring about my damn self.
first of all, the whole POINT of the comversation was that people can't overlook physical aspects of people enough to like them. who cares if someone that's fat can "lose the weight" yet ugly people can't change their lot in life? not that that's always the case...people who are morbidly obese or something to that effect aren't just "lazy and refuse to get off their asses"'s a problem that needs a little more help then that...the whole arguement, if you read it in it's entirety, was that most men can't look past the outside to really enjoy the person on the inside...look at what he said, "i really like this girl, but i won't date her because she's overweight"...that's fucking comment on ugly punk rock girls was an observation, much like your point that most skinhead girls are overweight...big fucking deal..i never said don't date punk chicks because they are ugly...and if making an observation makes you insulted, then maybe you need to reevaluate...being a skinhead, you shouldn't care what my fucking opinions are...
I don't care at all what your opinions are. I just think you're a whiner. Why should someone have to look past the physical? It's the 1st thing that attracts you when you meet someone.I wouldn't expect someone who doesn't like tattoos to look past it and date me. Nor should I be expected yo see the "great personality" that some fat guy has, and give one a chance. Everyone has preferences and they aren't wrong for that.
so being shallow is better then being a whiner? no one is asking you to do anything that you don't want to...but it is unfortunate that there's people out there refuse to look past the outside, ESPECAIILY if they do like that person...and i hate to break it to you sweetheart, what the fuck do you think a personal journal is for, if not for whining?
the physical is only as important as you let it we all want to be with the good looking people that catch your eye right off the bat? sure, of course...but the world doesn't work that way either...but if you can give someone the oppertunity to show more then what everyone else sees, why not give them that chance?
I'm not saying I wouldn't be friends with a guy I wasn't attracted to- that'd be a bit too elitist. I just know how I am. And either I'm attracted to you or I'm not. It doesn't change for me. That's why I wouldn't bother to give them a chance in that aspect.
but how do you know that?? how can you be so sure that you're NEVER going to like someone just because you don't find them good looking? you could be missing out on someone who's wonderful and actualy gives a shit about you other then how your tits look in that brutal attack tank top
Actually I'm not to concerned with that b/c I don't go around on a daily basis dressed like that. Those were taken when I came home from being out. And just b/c someone isn't attractive, doesn't mean that they'll give you more respect/treat you better than a guy who does look good. And like is one thing- wanting to f**k someone is another. No, I dont want to get it on with someone who doesn't physically attract me. As far as someone giving a shit about me beyond how I look in my shirt. I'm not too concerned. The person I'm with, whom I love and loves me, is someone I met through work. I'm in the Army- the 1st time he saw me I was in BDUs, etc. You can't possibly see anyone's shape in those things. If that guy was a good friend then I'm sorry- why take it so personally. It wasn't an attack on you, was it? Differences in opinion make life interesting.
you've just proven my points...And just b/c someone isn't attractive, doesn't mean that they'll give you more respect/treat you better than a guy who does look good...i've NEVER made that claim, i'm not retarded...looks, good or bad, can NEVER define your personality, EVER...but the whole point was that you never know how someone will treat you unless you give them the oppertunity, and by writing off people at first glance, you're not giving them any oppertunities...the comment about you in that tank top was just to make a point, i'm sure you don't go around in cut offs and spaghetti straped tank tops all the time and to be honest, i'm glad that you have someone who makes you happy and loves you for who you's a great thing...i'll admit that i did start to take it personal towards the end, but the whole thing was, he knows me..he knows all the shit i went through pertaining to the discussion and continued to be baiting and mean...that's why i was can't not take something like that personal
I suppose that's true if you think he was trying to get you upset. My feeling on someone who is supposed to be your friend and does that- obviously wasn't so great a friend in the first place. I know for a fact that no one I call friend would do that to me. But then again, I only call 6 people in the world my friend. Everyone else is more like acquaintances. Not that that has alot to do with the subject at hand...
laff, i feel you..."love all , trust few"...i'm the same way..i have a ton of people who i like, but when it comes down to it, i have a FEW good friends...who cares if it's off the subject at hand, it's better then arguing isn't it? and as for my "friend"'s really sad because we've had intense discussions like this for YEARS, but it never got to this point...
and what's your fucking deal? i can't make a comment on punk chicks, because that makes you insulted as a skinhead, but you have enough PRIDE inyourself to take ass shots of yourself and put them on live journal? i think you need to take a long hard look at yourself sweetheart and see where your priorities as a skinhead lie...
umm, no. I put that up b/c alot of people like to take angled shots of themselves that don't really portray how they look in real life. That picture is actually a joke I have with some people. And I'm not offended by the comment you made about the ugly girls. I think it's pretty hypocritical though.
how the hell is it hypocritical? i'd be a hypocrit if i made claims about how people should try and see a person for who they are before passing them off and then i do the same have no idea who i've dated and loved...the best relationships i've ever had were with men that at first glance, i had no physical attraction to, but i didn't toss them asside for it..i knew that they were hilarious and smart and fun to hang out with and so i did...after time, they become more and more attractive in all's a great power that i have to do and like i said, it's unfortunate that most people don't
More power to you. I guess you must be a lovely person. However, I don't think you should turn your nose up at other people, b/c they have different standards than you do. Your way of looking at things just happens be more PC-
So you're saying the physical isn't important? The world doesn't work that way.
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