Sep 10, 2004 15:20
k. so the past few days haven't been very eventful at all. which is why I haven't been on here to write anything.
lets see... I last posted on Tuesday right? yeah. lol.
Wednesday... I went up to my mom's work and had a talk with Debbie. to sort out this whole Andrea thing. then I was talking to Eric. I stole his cigs. lol. and left the floor. he called the cell while I was talking to Jonas and was all "where are you? I need a cig before I start my work!" so I went up to the floor he was pulled to and sat and had a cig with him. k... I only took 2 drags of his. blah... that menthol shit is nasty. cigs are nasty. dzyfdjgf. gross. lol. so then I went to church. HAHA. that was fun. I saw Glen. he was like "OMG! YOU'RE HERE!" and acted like he was having a heart attack. lol. then after that April and I went over to Rich's. april and jason had a fight cuz rich told april something jason said. you know..that bugs me... rich likes to start shit. lol. so anyways. we talked for a bit and then I went to get my mom. that was that.
Thursday... nothing happened yesterday. my nephew was being a lil brat and threw a huge tantrum. me, my mom and my dad went to dinner. nothing too fun or anything.
today... rah...
I'm going to Sheena's tonight. I don't know how long I'm staying this time. but I'll get more webcam pics for you freaks. lol. I'm supposed to call Eric next time I'm at Sheena's so he can come over cuz he lives like 2 blocks from the pizza place that is right near sheena's. lol. HOW FREAKY. wtf? I was like "do you know where paul revere pizza is?" and he was like "I live 2 blocks from it." and I was like "oh fuck! sheena lives real close to it too!" and he was all "call me this weekend when you're there and I'll come over" I just hafta be REALLY careful about it though... cuz Eric works with my mom and I don't want him to know what we do at Sheena's. lol. so he can't meet Audrey and them cuz they'll most likely all be effed up and shit. I was just gonna stay home this weekend but Sheena was all "I MISS YOU TORI! YOU HAFTA COME OVER! PWEASE!?" so yeah. lol. at least this weekend Andy won't be over. he'll be too busy with Heather and shit. no Rich this weekend. lol. that kid... :-/ blah. lol.
I think I'm gonna walk to the bank and get some money. walking = good for you. my ass needs some exercise. lol. Audrey should be pickin me up around 9 er some shit. I'm still not sure that I wanna go... Idk.. I'm just not feeling really social these past couple days. oh well... I'll thank myself later for just making myself go out.
its kinda funny... Audrey, Sheena, Alana and all have kinda been there for me without even knowing that they were. al the days that really bother me the most... I've spent with them in fear of being alone with myself. like Sept. 5th... or my birthday... and times when I just am afraid of me. one day... I won't have to force myself to go out and be near ppl just because I can't handle being alone. (or at least lets hope so)
I'm not even sure that makes much sense.. but oh well. rah... time to get off this thing.