explosions in the sky

Aug 22, 2007 12:40

Wow, after a year of no updates, I don't know if I even remember how to update this bitch. Things have changed drastically since my last update...

I went got arrested a couple more times (for being an idiot)
I went to jail for 45 days
I fell in LOVE and having a baby in Feburary
I finally turned 21
I moved out of my house and into an apartment in town (Corydon)
Got two new jobs - My new one I start in a week or so @ Discount Labels (New Albany)
My Grandmother passed away, I love you!
Went to a SHIT-LOAD of concerts/shows
Drank a SHIT-LOAD of beer
Quit smoking the cannabis
Friends moved back to the area/Friends moved away to College
Sold my truck to pay bills
A bunch of other shit I can't remember....

I don't know if I'll end up keeping this thing updated. I don't even know if people still use these things anymore. I want to get the community - punkinfestation - running again, but I'll need help. I feel bad for neglecting it.

Shit, if anyone's reading this let me know you're still alive, I can't believe I'm doing this still - like it's a big deal or something...

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