[EXO] [Fanfiction] Cuddle Bunnies

Oct 20, 2012 20:13

Title: Cuddle Bunnies
Pairing: Junmyeon/Kyungsoo/Jongin (SuDoKai)
Rating: G
Length: 523 words
Summary: Junmyeon finds out that Kyungsoo is a serial cuddler, and by extension, so is Jongin.

Kyungsoo is a serial cuddler who happens to move around alot in his sleep, Junmyeon finds out when he first spends the night in the same bed instead of heading back into his own room. He latches onto Junmyeon and rubs his face against Junmyeon's neck and there's this stupid smile on his face which is endearing but it also makes Junmyeon exasperated because he can't tell if Kyungsoo is actually awake and doing it on purpose or if he's really asleep and happily glomps onto the closest source of warmth while he sleeps.

When the light in the room is turned on a bit later, there's a sleepy Jongin standing there rubbing his eyes and yawning and a goofy smile on his face.

"Oh so that's where Kyungsoo hyung disappeared to. Was wondering where the cuddle bunny went."

And then Jongin is climbing into Junmyeon's bed too, limbs Sprawling all over the both of them as he snuggles in on Junmyeon's other side and it’s a wonder that none of them fall off the bed.

"You don't like being cold right, hyung? Is this warm enough for you?" Jongin smiles into Junmyeon's neck and makes himself comfortable, burrowing into Junmyeon’s side.

To Junmyeon's exasperation, Jongin's breaths even out soon as well and he's got two warm bodies snuggling against him but then again, Jongin's right because its toasty warm with both of them on either side of him; Kyungsoo's warmth and cute soft noises against his ear and an arm thrown over Junmyeon's middle possessively and clinging like a koala bear to a eucalyptus tree with legs wrapped around Junmyeon’s thigh.

And then there's Jongin who is smiling into his neck, soft breaths tickling at Junmyeon's chin and one leg and arm sprawled across both Junmyeon and Kyungsoo. Junmyeon thinks he just might get used to this and lets himself fall back asleep with Jongin's soft breaths puffing against him while Kyungsoo curls closer and makes adorable sounds.

He's so used to the warmth of them both that when Sehun spends more time in their room with EXO-M schedules in China, he misses the warmth of them both and leaves the door open so that it feels warmer, but it's cold when Sehun opens it again, and Junmyeon gets up to close it, only for Sehun to open it again, and it becomes like that for the next few days until Sehun whines and complains that it's too hot in the room.

Jongin appears at the door one night and then drags Junmyeon back into his and Kyungsoo's room instead, pushing him into Kyungsoo's bed and a cuddly, waiting Kyungsoo before - who grabs onto him and snuggles closer once Junmyeon gets pushed into the bed - he gets in and curls up around Junmyeon's back.

"See, hyung? Problem solved." And then Kyungsoo is making happy noises as he snuggles closer while Jongin presses a chaste kiss to the back of his neck and tells him "good night, hyung," and Junmyeon wraps an arm around Kyungsoo and pulls the cuddliest one of them all closer and lets their familiar warmth lull him to sleep.

A/N: What is this fluff that I wrote IDE lol.

fanfiction, fandom: exo, pairing: suho/kyungsoo/kai, oneshot

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