[Final Fantasy VII] [Poetry] Breathe

Oct 15, 2005 15:02

Title: Breathe
Started: 15/10/2005
Finished: 15/10/2005
Word Count: 401
Character: Reno, Tifa
Pairing: Reno/Tifa
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

A/N: Whoa. I haven't written in like, forever. University has kept me hideously busy, and then when I have time to actually dosomething, I get lazy. This poem is a result of being sucked back into the universe of FFVII and being abominably fascinated with the RenoxTifa pairing. Based on the concept that there was a relationship between them pre-FFVII which broke down after they both went their separate ways; Reno with Shinra and Tifa with AVALANCHE. The poem is based on a moment in time post-Meteor.

On a related note, I've just realised that this is the first time I've written anything that has to do with a video game. Enjoy.


He sifts his fingers through her thick curtain of hair,
Her eyes closed in the scintillating mirror glass,
Lashes dark against her cheek,
As she leans back slightly into his embrace.

Her eyes open.

He watches her through oceans as he
Kisses the alabaster skin at the corner of her mouth;
Those dark, dark,
Dark eyelashes flutter,
Once, twice.

Whispered words between their gazes
Through the mirror
As she lifts a hand to his face,
Ghosting the angry red scar tattooed
On the line of his cheekbone.

He does not flinch.

They are
A long way from everywhere
And Nowhere.
A long journey they have traveled
Although they have not left the room since they

A few years have changed Everything.
A few years have changed Nothing.

Time has not healed all their scars
And they are still broken and bleeding.

But they have not lost their memories.

She has not forgiven him for
He has not forgiven her for

They are a long way from
And a long way from redemption.

But each touch and taste and sound shared
Bridges the abyss between them one breath at a time;
A hundred breaths given,
A few hundred thousand more to go.

The distance between them shortens
As they

pairing: reno/tifa, reno/tifa, fanfiction, fandom: final fantasy vii, poetry

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