Gardens Project of Mendocino County

Jan 01, 2012 15:28

Gardens Project of Mendocino County

Okay. I know. I haven't posted for a long time. I actually have post dated November 13 that I've been editing. It describes how I'm leaving LiveJournal for Word Press because I am too broke to renew. Bemoaning the fact that I am still "underemployed", or unemployed, depending, and Debra and I are cutting back on our expenses, rachetting everything down. I withdrew from the Live Journal auto-pay (auto renewal) but it apparently went through anyways, though for less than I thought. Then I had a credit for the time LJ was down from a DNS attack. ANYWAY, ad free, here I am. (I did break my LJ absence with a post after I heard  of
judywatt 's death - how many more times should I place that link  :,,,- (

I looked through people on my friends list, and most of them were gone or hadn't posted for a longer time than I had.

I saw
melissamh had switched to Word Press. I have a blog there; once before I was thinking I would like a fresh start. I liked the more aesthetically pleasing themes that could be found there. Word by Word is there also, and I'm thinking I will simultaneously post...a way to make the transition. Whatever. Sometimes I am so blue I really don't want to blog. I regret the time I spend on Facebook and uncertain I have the time to post on message board (bulletin board) that I've been part of for *years*. But the people there are warm, genuine anbd supportive, I'm always welcome back with genuine sincerity and pleasure. Hugs are good, in real time and in virtual reality time. Some people don't believe in friendships made on the Internet, that they are not real. Let them think that. I know my heart.

So I'm preparing a job application - again. None have really stuck since I was laid off almost four years ago. Who would have thought? I have gotten by on work I've made for myself - whether as an independent contractor or convincing a business or agency they should hire me as an as-needed extra-help employee.

I've gotten by.

So if you follow that link above to the Gardens Project, you will see they are hiring a coordinator for a grant funded Farm to Fork project. If you read this after January 5th, it may say the deadline has passed. And maybe by January 15th, the position will be filled. By me hopefully.

But right now, at this moment, on the first day of a new year filled with hope and apprehension, I forge on. No time to get lost in the past, or worry about the future. This is my work for the today.

North Coast Opportunities        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Position Announcement
Farm to Fork Coordinator

As part of the Community Action team, develop and implement a countywide Farm to Fork project designed to increase and institutionalize the use of locally produced food in local schools, hospitals, markets, and restaurants.

What will be.
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