Poetry Challenge

Apr 20, 2009 09:48

Today I chose the prompt for April 8 - to write a poem about either a specific routine or routines in general.  So I am giving you a glimpse into the life of a music teacher who teaches private music lessons supplemented with three mornings a week music for preschoolers.  Feel free to be either amazed or bored.  This one lacks the grace of being in the least bit poetic.  More like a painful list.


Mondays work starts at 3
and runs to 7,
more or less.
But every other Monday
there is physical therapy
at 1.
Some Monday's
I have a massage at 10:45.

Tuesdays I rush to print lesson plans
and begin my classes at 10:30.
At noon I cross town
to eat sushi
with my academia nuts,
detour to record
the week's Blog Radio show,
fifteen minutes of poetry,
then back to teach from 3:30 - 7.

I might or might not have
physical therapy at 11.
Teaching runs from 12:15 - 6.
Grab some supper;
orchestra rehearsal
7:30 - 8:30.

Thursdays start early.
Students come to my home 8 AM.
Print out lesson plans and off;
morning classes 10:30 - 11:45.
Lunch on my own,
hopefully with wifi.
Change locations;
teach from 4:30 - 7.
Third Thursday
moderate writer's guild
7 - 9.

Friday morning,
more lesson plans,
more early classes
with small children
“Beethoven wrote nine symphonies
and this one is number nine...”
Lunch, rushed every other week
to make it to physical therapy
then back to teach;
group 3:30 - 4,
private lesson 4:15 - 5.
Over the river and through the woods
I'm off to my weekend
of substitute care giver.

wake early,
remember to dispense pills
along with the love,
to change adult diapers
and launder sheets.

God grant me rest.

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