What I really need right now is somebody with a bullhorn shouting, "Step AWAY from the internet. Repeat: Step AWAY from the internet."
Because honestly, I cannot remember another news cycle in my life that has depressed and enraged me so much as the past month. I feel as though I've fallen into an alternate universe where every headline comes straight out of a dystopic novel or a disaster movie, some circle of hell where I am forced to act simultaneously in productions of
The Handmaid's Tale,
All The King's Men,
1984 and
Lucifer's Hammer.
Missouri wants to repeal child labor laws. Republicans want women to prove their rape was really forcible enough if they want to avoid carrying their rapist's child to term. Wisconsin's governor thinks his corporate cronies should get hefty tax cuts funded by crushing unions under his bootheel. Georgia wants to criminalize miscarriage, while South Dakota wants to legalize the murder of doctors who perform abortions. And an appalling number of self-proclaimed "Christians" think the proper response to an article about the devastation in Japan is something along the lines of "That's what they get for not believing in Jesus."
Sometimes I just want to resign my membership in the human race.
Time to stop reading news headlines and go pet my dog.