Aug 16, 2014 04:44
What a doozy of a year it's been! Everything went to hell, naturally. The dog walking thing did not work out, my clients started dropping 1 by 1. I got a new job, doing captioning for phone calls for old/deaf people. It's downtown, which sucks, but the starting pay is nice and it's sooooooo easy.
Jackie is seeing someone seriously, they moved out, and are expecting a baby in October. I have no words for that so I'll just leave it there.
Matt is good. I think. We are still friends.
Faeryn and Relto have a new home. I cried, it broke my heart, but in the end 4 ferrets is too much for me and I was hella stupid for taking them on.
I got a kitten. Kind of contradicts the previous sentence but now it's me, Dexy, Trinity, and Gary. I'm in love with my kitty and I feel like I should have gotten one then instead of ferrets. But I have a responsibility to them now, so...
Time to go to work.