Jan 26, 2013 21:04
the cultural constructs that have evolved along the railroad of humanity have permeated through our dna, into and throughout our psyche. The actions 'into' and 'throughout', 'in', 'out', relay the way we think about this structure, but the actual essence of it doesn't exist objectively. But it does exist. It exists collectively in the minds and through the actions of our communities, or societies, and governments.
marriage, friendships, any, and every sort of human bond, exists in the minds of those involved exclusively. as we explore our cultural landscape, we may discover these bonds though. just as we discover food, or anything in our physical landscape, we must search in a similar manner.
for me, it has always been somewhat difficult to accept that social constructs actually exist, because i feel that i place alot of weight on emperical reality. i am learning that what doesnt appear to actually exist physically though, has just as much presence, in a parallel way.