(no subject)

Mar 01, 2007 14:19

Finally settled down in Connecticut. Seeing a lot of Pete, less recently because I can't stand his girlfriend and she's always with him. He's not allowed over the apartment if she's with him. I guess I thought of Pete first because I picked him up at lunch time and dropped him and Lenny off at home.

Lenny is great. Today he wrote me a little note on the wood of his bed post saying how much he loved me, and how much he never wanted to loose me. It was cute. He tried to hide the note from me at first, but I read it. I love him, so fricken much. I'm so glad we get to be together so often. The only time I'm not with him is when I'm at work. Speaking of work he's getting a job. He says that I motivate him to be better. He was talking about quitting smoking and stuff and getting a real job. I love it. I love him.

Anyway, It's almost been a month since I left New York to live with Lenny in Connecticut. I'll be going back to NY March 9th. I was supossed to leave tomorrow but my dad is going to be in Vermont seeing his girlfriend, so instead I'm going next weekend. This weekend I'm getting my hair highlited again. This time full highlites. I don't know what it is about blonde lately, but I really like it. Maybe because of Lenny always telling me how much he loves the picture of me at my sweet 16 when I had all blonde hair.

Well, I'm at work now. I work at Stamford Ford, paying 12 dollars an hour, and close to home (1.1 miles). I had an interview with Ferrari yesterday. I really am hoping for a job offer from there. I'd be working for Putman Leasing (which is Ferrari), it's very close to home (.67 miles) and minium salary is 31,000/yearly which breaks down to around 15 dollars an hours and after six months around 36,000/yearly.

Basically after six months I would still get paid 15 dollars an hour, but I would also get a sort of commision. What deals the company places everybody get a percentage of. Deals usually give us $3000, and splitting that between thirteen people that's 230 dollars each deal. So if it's a really busy month and they place a lot of deals than my sallary increased. So potentially I could be making up to 40 grand a year working for Ferrari. Sounds brilliant to me =).
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