Maybe it's me...

Feb 22, 2006 00:49

Things never work out the way I hope they will. I wish they did. I met somebody about two weeks ago. He held me like nobody else ever has, and kissed me and held my hand. We were drunk and he didn't remember anything the next morning, and he doesn't understand why I'm so upset that he doesn't remember. Meeting him made me smile for the first time since Charles disapeared. Since he left. It made me happy to think maybe something in my life would work out. I thought that somebody up there was finally giving me a break. But instead I keep getting fucked over in the end. Everything just keeps happening the same way and it's never fair. It's not fair for me. Is it me? What did I do to deserve all of this? My boyfriend disapears for a month and a half and counting with no word, tried to kill myself twice since, now here's the pain of being forgotten and the guilt of another guy.
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