Apr 01, 2009 07:51
Coyotes' night howls
between winter and summer:
Trickster shape-shifting.
--Katherine Quimby Johnson. All rights reserved.
I'm opening the month with a haiku, but I'm going to try not to write another until at least halfway through the month, and use the month to experiment with a variety of forms.
April does bring to mind some of the most famous lines in the English language.
Chaucer: "Whan that Aprile with his showres soote, the drought of March hath perced to the roote"
Eliot: "April is the cruelest month."
Eliot is more apropos for Vermont than Chaucer, because our April is a tease, giving us warm, sunny days, only to follow them with cold, gray, snow showers that keep the daffodils folded tight.
national poetry month