Yesterday was back to college for BD. Last year the three of us went, in two cars, because there was so much stuff and convocation and a barbecue. Even though HH and I drove back in separate vehicles, we shared the waving good-bye.
Not this year. It was me and BD and one car and a bicycle that followed us sideways all the way to Oneonta. BD shared the driving, which was a pleasure. And as she greeted and was greeted by friends, I realized that although they may still be young adults, the balance is shifting toward the adult. The dorm room has something of the first apartment about it.
The solo drive home left lots of room for thought, but I discovered that peaches are a great comfort, and I dared to eat more than one:
Somewhere north of Albany (which would be a great title for a story, if it isn't already), a picture book idea started to form, one that would incorporate a poem I wrote earlier this summer.
Now, on with the writing.