Five Things on a Friday

Aug 29, 2008 09:27

1. Sending a child back to their second year of college is so much easier, in all kinds of ways, than sending them off the first year. Less stuff to buy, fewer jitters.  Even though, in my case, the first year wasn't that difficult. Five hour drive time and easy email/phone access are hugely different from a 12-hour time difference and unreliable, irregular email/phone.

2. Being on a book award committee is a great experience. Listening to people talk about all these great books they've discovered  and hearing people waxing enthusiastic about books makes you feel good, if you are a person who cares about books. )ur books have to be available in paperback, so they aren't brand spanking new. Because this is a high school award, we also look for adult titles that will appeal to high school readers. So all kinds of interesting stuff gets mentioned.

3. It's another sunny day! After a summer of rain so bad the farmers couldn't get into their fields to hay, to finally have a string of sunny days is marvelous.

4. Tuesday I get back to my wip. For me, the challenge hasn't been writing, but working on my own writing, because I have been writing--community reporting, feature writing for a regional food magazine. Some of that does drain my creative energies. But starting September 2, I am going to spread out said wip, see what holes need to be filled, and get on with it, at least one poem every day. If I can do that, then by Thanksgiving I will definitely have something to revise.

5. Tomatoes are waiting in the garden. Time to go pick.

tomatoes, gardens, five things on friday, gmba, wip

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