laurasalas tagged me with this meme, so here goes.
The rules are these:
*1. Post these rules.
* 2. Each tagged person must post 8 things about themself on their journal.
* 3. At the end, you have to choose and tag 3 people
* 4. Go to their pages and send a message saying you tagged them.
* 5. No tag-backs
I'm with Laura, keeping to the writing theme.
1. The first thing I remember writing was in either third or fourth grade. It was a play for two paper bag puppets. One was a raccoon and one was a squirrel. I don't remember their names, but think they were something predictable like Ricky Raccoon and Sammy Squirrel. I don't even remember what the play was about. I do remember painting thee paper bags with tempera paint and being pleased with the end result.
2. In college, a musician friend and I had a deal. He was going to write an opera--as soon as he had finished taking music composition. I was going to be a writer, as soon as I figured out what I wanted to write about. (We've lost touch, so I don't know if he ever made his goal or not.)
3. I figured out what I wanted to write about because of
booksareadrug, who always wanted a telling story as well as any number of books read to her before she went to sleep.
4. I have had better luck publishing in other areas than writing for young readers--regional magazines, local reporting, and even one anthology. Sometimes I wonder why I keep on with this. But it's where my heart is, where the ideas come from, and what I really really really want to do.
5. Sometimes I still have an internal battle, because I come from people who are extremely practical and this is not a practical road to follow. But after going down so many wrong roads and being extre-e-emely unhappy, I'm sticking with this one.
6. If I go for more than a week without writing fiction or poetry, I get cranky. It's true. You can ask booksareadrug.
7. If I were independently wealthy I'd go on three or four writing retreats a year. I absolutely love the idea of not having to think about what I'm going to fix for the next meal.
8. I've learned to write anywhere and with either a laptop or a notebook. It's the one way I go Nike (just do it).
I tag:
cfaughnan, and