Thankful Thursday

Mar 03, 2011 12:00

Cue the Beatles "Here Comes the Sun."

  The view from my skylight this noon.

It has indeed been a long, cold (not, thankfully, lonely) winter, but today the sun is shining! It shone the day before yesterday, too.
It's still cold (-1 at 8:30 a.m.), but that sunshine makes all the difference in the world.

I have one, count 'em one, book left to read before the Green Mountain Book Award Committee meets to decide the 2011-2012 List of Titles. That book is waiting at one of the three libraries I frequent (and that's not counting my local library).

I am extra-thankful that this year at Town Meeting--the one day a year residents gather to 'do the business of the town' that otherwise is left in the hands of officials--the town voted to increase the library's budget so that it could be open an additional 16 hours (bringing the total to 36). Along with that came news that the library is automating its card catalog and circulation system. That too has been a long hard slog on the part of the librarian and several trustees.

I have a stack of pleasure reading lined up for school vacation next week.

joknowles  Jumping Off Swings is coming out in paperback. I loved this book when I read it and am happy it will now be available to more teen readers. It's about the effect of an unplanned teen pregnancy, not only on pregnant Ellie, but on her friends Caleb and Corinne and on Josh, her baby's father. It is so real in its ripple effect.

I am feeling healthy again, after a week of ick. The lingering virus hit both HH and me hard, and it's only today that I feel like doing anything. With any luck, I'll finally get back to the gym tomorrow.

I have this afternoon free for writing and because I no longer have the ick, I actually feel like I can pay attention to the revisions I need to be doing.

That's my list--what are you thankful for this March day?

town meeting, thankful thursday, jo knowles, gmba

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