Synopsis Writing

Jan 27, 2011 20:21

Last week I sweated over a synopsis for my StT. I'm reasonably content with the result, I think, but like many of us I find writing the synopsis for a novel as tough, if not tougher, than writing the novel itself. This afternoon @Beth_Barany on Twitter inspired me to write this. If you've written a synopsis, this one's for you.

Simmering the story to its essence
You start to melt down, too, biting
Nails, rending garments not words.
Overcome with anxiety, you
Procrastinate until you have no choice but
Settle in to type, delete, undo, retype,
Insert, revise, refine, reject, restart:
Synopsis could be is a synonym for suffering.

(c) Katherine Quimby Johnson
All rights reserved

synopsis, poetry

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