Ready for my revisions, Mr. DeMille

Nov 18, 2010 20:27

Thanks to olmue , philia_fan , patesden , karenbschwartz , and kellyrfineman  for the helpful revision suggestions!

I am now ready to have at it:

One laptop, the interwebz open to Holly Lisle's One-Pass revision technique. I really like the steps she suggests for "Discovery." While I did some of these--including writing flap copy as suggested by halseanderson  during wfmad this past summer--I find that things shift during creation, which means I'll need to revisit flap copy, etc.

One printed manuscript, all 348 pages of it, with the individual chapters paperclipped together:

From this angle it's difficult to tell the small paperclips from the large ones, but that mini-binder clip in the middle sticks out a mile away. I'm definitely curious to see what was going on at that particular spot. While chapters can certainly have different lengths, that one either 1) suffers from bloat, 2) is secretly twins, or 3) was written by an author who forgot to hit "Insert page break."

Also present:

One cheap, spiral bound notebook, as suggested by Holly Lisle and also because it will be useful for making notes for the revision letter to myself. On the pink notebook is a pink mini-PostIt with the word count: 90,000. (The pink is pure happenstance--the notebook was the only one in my supply drawer--but I'm thinking it works.)

Assorted pens and a highlighter.

A pad of regular PostIts. More are in reserve in the drawer.

If all goes as planned, Saturday afternoon I'll be able dig in. *rubs hands together in anticipation*

Thanks again everyone above for the suggestions. If anyone else has a favorite technique, leave it in the comments, please!


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