Aug 12, 2010 13:50
1. Summer weather that doesn't include mudslides and floods. We learned this week that the region in India where BD spent a semester of her junior year of high school was hit by the same storms that wreaked so much havoc elsewhere in Asia. Ladakh was similarly hit, and two of the school's alumni perished, the bridge on the access road was washed away, as were the trees that have been planted over the years as erosion control. You can bet we will be donating to help the recovery process.
2. Patience and my laptop are allowing me to be productive while my tendonitis and sciatica recover. It's happening. Slowly.
3. An agent left the door ajar, and provided useful advice that will make my current project even stronger.
4. Living in a house with two young artists. Every so often we have conversations about craft, about what makes a good plot, about all the sorts of things that only other people who work in narrative understand--one of these young women is a writer, one is a web comic artist, but story is story.
5. Living in a house where everyone has a sense of humor and enjoys a good laugh, as well as playing with words.
6. Living with people who, when I say, "Can I read you something?" stop and really listen and then give me honest feedback. It's even better of course if I read them something that is supposed to be funny and they laugh.
7. All the connections I've made through LiveJournal, Twitter, and Facebook. Living way out in the country (broadband is not yet everywhere in my town, nor is cell phone service), I finally have found a community of writers, thanks to social media.
And now, back to the clickety-clickety.
thankful thursday