How are things in Connemara this fine day?

May 28, 2010 21:43

(Yes, I do know the song is "Glockamorra," but I couldn't resist.)

No images yet, but when I do post them, you'll see why I say, in all seriousness: If you have a chance to visit Connemara, you absolutely, positively, no-arguments allowed MUST take it. No castles to speak of, but those of you who love a good romance will love Kylemore Abbey, as will those of you who garden. Most of all, though, the scenery is simply breath-taking, and I say that after living most of my life where it's pretty darn beautiful. The glacially sculpted hills and mountains are both stark and green and they're separated by bogs and lochs. Granted, this isn't the steepness and elevation of the Rockies, but they're rugged all the same, and give you such a sense of age.

You look at this landscape and you know why the potato famine hit so hard here--it was hard enough in the first place to grow anything other than sheep. You still see abandoned famine houses here and there, along with the occasional fairy ring and many, many, many dry stone walls, half-way up hillsides. You even see the ridges of potato plots from 150 years ago.

More when I post photos.


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