For those of you not currently caught up in Brokeback Madness - I'm writing an AU on an AU over at the Human Interest Community - its on chapter 20 as of today I seem to write more the worse the outside world gets - that's probably why my stories are all sweetness and light, its escapism
Let's see. Last week I took dad in to consult with the specilist regarding implanting gold seeds into his chest so that massive amounts of radiation can be used to try to reduce/kill the mass in his lung. This is a guy who can't take a band-aid off without pain killers and the docter feels the need to tell him everything that could go wrong even if it has never happened before.
The nurse who got his file together before the consult implied he had been dithering about deciding on treatment - no bitch he got a second opinion, that's normal - and then called a couple hours after I got him home and moved the proceedure from the 27th of April to May 11th - so apparently time is not of the essense.
Meanwhile in my brother's car crash of a marriage - see 'Redneck Version of Medea' in previous posts - his son, who the SIL got out of the nice safe jail and had living in an apartment with the girlfriend and the baby back under house arrest had one month to go when he walked out after a fight. He was a fugitive for a week - SIL never told my brother that their son could be dead and was missing. Thank God and Farmingdale you can't really have a secret in a small town. We found out today she picked him up in Denver after an overdose - he was planning to go to CA and change his identity but called because he couldn' t leave his daughter (she'll be one in July).
My sister knew all this was happening and didn't know we knew it was happening. She was perfectly willing to let her brother remain in the dark when for all anyone knew the kid had overdosed at the nearest… what is the herion equivilent of a crack house? My dad who talks to her every day has been saying for a solid week he doesn't know why the kid isn't returning his calls and does she say anything to put his mind at ease? No, she can't betray my SIL's confidence - I hope she likes that woman because after dad's gone that will be the only family she has.
And to that nice man who sent me the e-mail about not letting people make me feel guilty for not writing faster. Thank you. Kind impulses like that often go unspoken, give yourself a karma-cookie, and may you too get a hug when you most need it.