Two more places on the web I've started visiting on a near-daily basis:
Geekologie - A clearing house of new, geeky technology and gadgets. (Thanks to my sister Jan for the tip.)
Everyday Fiction - A new flash-fiction - 1,000 wds or less - story every single day. (Thanks to
dfergusonfor the tip.)
Monday, October 15, is
Blog Action Day, when thousands of blogs will be posting about environmentalism. The goal is to find some way to relate it to your normal blog topics and also, of course, to get as many people talking about the issue as possible. I've already signed up, and I'd love to see a bunch of you guys doing it as well.
Some people in Philadelphia
found a Fine/Very Fine copy of Detective Comics #27 (first appearance of Batman) in their freakin' attic. While other kids were dreaming about being pro ball players and movie stars, that's the kind of thing that occupied my idle childhood thoughts. That and Go-Gos-era Belinda Carlisle, I mean.
Black Mask Magazine has been revived on the web. It looks like they mean business too. As far as I can tell, the intention is to eventually post original pulp stories, but for now most of their output is PDF reprints of classic BM stories from the 20s and 30s.
I kind of want to do
Nanowrimo this year. I'll be over here banging my head against the wall until the desire goes away. Shouldn't take long.