Banner post 1, Round 2 prompts!

May 04, 2010 21:44

First off, congrats to last week's winners, xephwrites and defiantlygreen! We had members that were very close seconds, but these two tied for first place with seven votes each.

Here are your banners, guys!

Second off, the schedule from now on will be much more regular. I've been battling RL issues, work and sickness the past couple weeks. Here are this week's prompts, due Sunday the 9th by 11:59PM EST. Again, please comment here if you plan to take a prompt/think you might take a prompt!

1. Dean/Castiel - This one last bullet you mention is my one last shot at redemption.
2. Sam/Dean - We'll be a family again.
3. Sam/Gabriel - Don't be surprised if I love you/it's all your fault.
4. Lucifer/Sam - Fever.
5. Sam/Castiel - You're so much braver than I gave you credit for.
6. Gabriel/Castiel - Hey, soul sister.
7. John/Dean - Lonely road.
8. Sam/Ruby - Jealousy.
9. Michael/Lucifer - Healing hands.
10. Meg/Castiel - There's no safety here.
11. Dean/Gabriel - Takes one to know one.
12. Alistair/Dean - Bring me to life.
13. Castiel/Anna - Teach me.
14. Jimmy/Amelia - One last time.
15. Dean/Jimmy - Comes back around.
16. John/Mary - She is…
17. Richard/Misha - Christ, he can't believe he said yes.
18. Jensen/Misha - Convention fangirls.
19. J2 - Shopping.
20. Jared/Richard - Method acting.
21. Sam - Hold me tight.
22. Castiel - I don't know what he's after.
23. Gabriel - Redemption.
24. Lucifer - There's this one little corner coffee shop...

prompt post, mod post, banner post

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