My Brother's Keeper

Apr 25, 2010 08:07

Title: My Brother’s Keeper

Author: sam_dean_fetish (Fetish)

Rating: PG13 for Angel M/M kissing.

Prompt: #9 - Michael/Lucifer -”I tried, really I did.” @ wordsmeetwings

Spoilers: None

Warning(s): Um, probably going to hell for this, even if it is just kissing, but still. Um, yeah…

Disclaimer: Um, if they were mine, my name would be God and I wouldn’t have to worry about that whole going to hell thing… or my name could also be Kripke I guess, if I owned them… *shrugs* Guess it depends on how you wanna look at it.

Summary: Lucifer and Michael say their final farewells.
I think I did the tags right... can I get an author tag, please?
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Power shimmered and shone forth from the Archangel, lit the air around him like some halo in a painting, turning his feeble vessel into a thing of beauty to behold.

Slowly Lucifer’s lips curved into a small smile as he gazed at his brother. “Michael.” He spoke the name softly; a name he hadn’t said in so very long and yet had always been on the tip of his tongue, the forethought in is mind.

Michael drew in a deep breath as he gazed at his little brother, taking a step forward through the lush garden in which he had found Lucifer standing, hand sensed him, been drawn to the spot like a lover is drawn to his beloved’s scent.

“Lucifer,” Michael shook his head, his gaze locked with the fallen angel before him.

Neither moved, barely dared to breathe for a long while, each simply taking in the sight of the other.

“It’s been a long time.” It was Lucifer who broke the magic of the silence that had fallen between them, resentment clinging to his words, though his face was impassive.

“You were told, Lucifer. Warned.” Michael explained calmly as he stepped forward, walking over to stand toe to toe with his brother, one hand rising to cup his brother’s face.

Lucifer’s eyes tracked his brother, his breaths hitching in his throat as Michael approached, Michael’s beauty had not diminished in all this time, even if his own had.

The fallen angel hung his head, pressing his cheek against his brother’s palm. “I am not like you, Michael.” Lucifer said softly, eyes wet with tears he would never let fall as he looked up at his brother.

Leaning in, Michael pressed his lips softly to Lucifer’s. “No,” he agreed softly, his lips against his brother’s, breathing in Lucifer’s breaths. “I never asked you to be.” Michael swallowed hard, pushing back old hurts, “Just for you to obey,” he whispered softly, slowly pulling his head back, his gaze locked with Lucifer’s, “and to trust me, my beloved brother.”

“I tried, I - I did, Michael, I wanted to make Father happy, you happy, proud,” he shook his head, “but I could never love a piece of dirt more than Him,” he spat the words as if the very idea itself was insulting.

“Shhh,” Michael nodded as his hand slid from Lucifer’s cheek back to cup his neck, pulling him in, the Archangel’s lips pressing against his brother’s forehead. “I know, I know.” He whispered softly, tears glimmering in the depths of his eyes, eyes alight with power and grace.

Lucifer’s eyes slowly slid closed as he wrapped his arms around his big brother, his brother who had cared for him, taught him, loved him. He never saw the Archangel’s dagger coming as it pierced through his heart.

“I will always love you.” Michael whispered softly as a single tear slowly rolled unchecked down his vessel’s cheek.

prompt response, michael/lucifer

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