Sticks and Stones

Jun 02, 2010 10:59

TItle: Sticks and Stones
Author: moonofblindness
Characters: Lucifer/Castiel
Disclaimer: If I owned these guys then Dean so would have blaring Led Zeppelin as he drove up to the title match of the Apocalypse.
Summary: What Castiel would do to stop the Apocalypse and save Dean.
Author's Note: This was written for wordsmeetwings week 5 prompt "Lucifer/Castiel: Sticks and stone may break my bones but whips and chains excite me."  Beta'd by endorphinehaze so if there are any mistakes blame her, oh and if we seem like sarcastic bitches to each other it's because she's my real-life best friend.

“Little brother!” Lucifer yelled to Castiel the first time he got to see the falling angel alone.

Castiel was not impressed and just walked up to Lucifer silently. It was killing him to be keeping this meeting a secret from his charge, Dean Winchester, but he thought that maybe if he talked to Lucifer calmly, falling angel to fallen angel that maybe he might be able to get through to Lucifer.

Lucifer had decided to grant Castiel his request for a face to face, and decided that they would meet at night at a playground; he remembered his brother being fond of the areas. They met at the merry-go-round, with the merry-go-round in between them. Lucifer didn’t like having the contraption between them so he jumped on, spun over to Castiel, and jumped off in front of the younger angel.

“I’m so glad you could make it, Castiel,” and Lucifer hugged his little brother. This was not the reaction Castiel thought he would get from someone who was locked in a cage for millennia. He knew the polite thing was to at least tap his brother’s back, that much he had learned from Sam and Dean, but he still wasn’t comfortable with the whole hugging thing.

“You know you don’t have to go through such formalities to see me, Castiel. You’re my brother, you’re falling, and when you hit the ground, I will be there to pick you up. You’ve got my word, Cas,” Lucifer said, and the smile on his face seemed genuine to Cas but if or when he completely fell, he would not be going to Lucifer.

“I appreciate the sentiment, Lucifer, you seemed genuinely concerned, and I am grateful, but there is only one person I will go to if I fall completely.”

“Dean Fucking Winchester! Do you honestly think he gives a shit about you? Do you think he’ll stay by you or leave you behind when he gets bored? I will always be here for you Cas,” the anger in Lucifer’s voice and the fire in his eyes nearly paralyzed Cas with fear. Nearly.

“Do not call me Cas! Only my friends can call me Cas,” he hissed at Lucifer. And there was pride in Lucifer’s eyes for his little brother standing up to him, but he was also still pissed that his little brother would choose a pathetic human over him. He sat down on the merry-go-round and patted the spot next to him, for Castiel to follow suit.

Castiel sat down but not right next to Lucifer, and as soon as he did, Lucifer started spinning them. This was not a sensation Castiel was unfamiliar with, he felt like he did after he had drank the liquor store, and wondered if all the children were drunk as well.

Lucifer just sat in silence as he spun them, he was actually at a loss for words for the first time in his life. How could this lowest of the lowest class of angel not be groveling at his feet? He had been a fucking archangel, he was the fucking ruler of Hell.

“Why don’t you like me Cas, sorry, Castiel?” Lucifer asked because he really needed to know the answer.

“You’re about to destroy a world I’ve come to love and call home, for no better reason than because you’re still having a temper-tantrum, that Father doesn’t love you best, that you’re big brother beat you up and they all sent you out of Heaven. Did you ever stop to think how the rest of us angels felt?” There was only the faintest hint of despair in Castiel’s voice. Lucifer remained quiet for a good five minutes thinking about what Castiel just said before shaking his head no.

“Exactly. We are conditioned to love our Father but we never receive love in return. We have never seen his glorious face, but have our faith tested over and over again. God loved you, Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel, then he loved his creation here around us, and you blew a gasket. We were never loved,” Castiel got off the merry-go-round and stood in front of Lucifer. “You, Lucifer, are the biggest dick of the fucking bunch.”

Lucifer just bowed his head and started chuckling.

“I demand to know what you think is jovial, Lucifer,” Castiel was starting to let emotions he wasn’t sure the names for creep into his voice.

“At least Winchester taught you one good thing,” Lucifer said still chuckling. “He taught you to swear. In all my days I never thought I would hear an angel of the Lord swear. I must say, I kind of like it.”

“Son of a bitch,” Castiel said as he turned to walk away. He new a hopeless case when he saw one.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me. Where do you think you’re going Castiel?” Lucifer said as he snapped his fingers and they were no longer in the playground but a room.

Castiel turned slowly around analyzing the room he now found himself in. It reminded him of the den of iniquity that Dean had taken him too, but he knew it was different. It was darker for one. There were more items of a dubious nature around the room and there were mirrors on the ceiling - much like at a whorehouse.

“Now I know the reason you wanted to meet with me, was to try to persuade me to abandon the apocalypse. I’ll make a deal with you,” and Lucifer then whispered something into Castiel’s ear that made Castiel blush from head to toe.

“You are pulling my chain, I believe the saying is,” Castiel finally said.

“Not yet, but that’s the plan,” Lucifer said with the biggest shit-eating grin on his face.

“If I do this, you will leave the Winchesters alone, and resign yourself to Hell?” Castiel had to have reassurance that the devil wasn’t tricking him in any way.

“Yes, I will go back to Hell, and put an end to this whole apocalypse thing, and leave both Winchester brothers alone, but I will not go back to that cage.”

It seemed like a reasonable compromise, as long as Lucifer didn’t go back on his word. “Ok, I’ll do it Lucifer.”

Lucifer gently wrapped a hand around the back of Castiel’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss. It was a soft kiss, it was quick, and then Lucifer pulled back. “Ok, that sealed the deal.” Lucifer gently entwined his fingers with Castiel’s and led him to the huge four poster bed, and with another snap of his fingers on his free hand, they were both naked.

He laid Castiel softly on the bed, keeping their fingers entwined and then slid beside him and traced soft kisses from his shoulder, up his neck and behind Castiel’s ear, until that got a moan out of him. Lucifer smiled into the kisses as he continued with the earlobe, then the temple, across the forehead, the other temple, down to Castiel’s jaw, and then finally over to his lips. Mmm those lips, Lucifer had been thinking about those lips since Castiel appeared on the playground.

Lucifer played at Castiel’s lips with his tongue and finally Castiel relented. Not wasting the opportunity, Lucifer thrust his tongue into Castiel’s mouth, exploring, tasting, enjoying. His free hand traced the lines of Castiel’s body, marveling at the soft skin but firm muscles, finally resting on his hip.

Castiel hadn’t expected this, but if it saved the world and - more specifically - Dean, then he would do whatever it took. He also didn’t expect Lucifer to be this gentle with him. It was almost enjoyable, and that scared Castiel. He couldn’t help himself from moaning as Lucifer kissed him behind the ear and then when Lucifer’s tongue entered his mouth. It felt good, and Castiel did something he wasn’t expecting - he threaded his fingers through Lucifer’s hair and kissed back, using his tongue to play with Lucifer’s.

Lucifer groaned as Castiel’s tongue found his. He felt himself getting hard, he needed Castiel so bad. He let his hand drift from Castiel’s hip down his thigh and over Castiel’s own growing erection, and hummed his pleasure into Castiel’s mouth. Wrapping his hand around Castiel’s growing cock he started stroking it in long slow pulls, and was rewarded with Castiel groaning into his mouth.

He pulled away and started leaving a trail of kisses down Castiel’s chest, flicking each nipple with his tongue before continuing downwards, always stroking. Finally his kisses caught up to his hand and he places a kiss on the tip of Castiel’s cock before wrapping his mouth around the head, swirling his tongue around it, all the while still stroking.

Castiel lets out gasps as his nipples are assaulted, he is overwhelmed by pleasure, his senses are reeling. And then the most amazing sensation he has ever felt hits him, and its caused by Lucifer’s mouth on his cock. He didn’t know such pleasure existed and he only wished that he could share this with Dean.

Lucifer started sliding his mouth up and down Castiel’s cock sucking hard the entire time, he wanted to make Castiel happy. He could feel Castiel tensing up and then the hot liquid slide down his throat, and the moans coming out of the falling angel’s mouth were music to his ears. He slowly and teasingly slid his mouth off Castiel’s cock, then trailed kisses back up the angel’s chest, over his throat, and back onto that luscious mouth.

As Castiel and Lucifer kissed, Castiel bent his legs at the knees planting his feet flat on the bed, legs wide, and Lucifer knew he had permission. He prepped the angel for what was coming slowly and gently so he wouldn’t hurt him, the last thing Lucifer wanted to do was cause such physical pain to his falling angel. When Castiel seemed to be ready, he pulled away from the kiss, knelt between Castiel’s spread legs and teased him with the head of his cock. Lucifer pushed in slowly and gently, watching Castiel intently for any signs of pain. Castiel’s breath hitched and then he was gasping in pleasure.

Lucifer took this as a good sign and pushed in slowly until he was completely in this falling angel, who is so sweet and so gorgeous. He paused letting Castiel get used to the feeling of him. When Castiel moaned, it was the most beautiful sound Lucifer had ever heard. He slid back slowly, savoring every moan, gasp, and twitch that Castiel made. He kept up this tortoise pace until Castiel grabbed his shoulder and started thrusting his hips to meet Lucifer’s cock faster.

This was not what Castiel was expecting. Lucifer was being so gentle with him, it was almost like the devil cared. It was soft, and sweet, and oh so good, he could see why Dean partook of this activity as often as he did. Lucifer was going to damn slow, he needed more now, so he dug his fingers into Lucifer’s bicep (and wow, he had muscle), and started thrusting his hips faster. That seemed to do the trick. He leaned up closer to Lucifer and licked his lips and Lucifer seemed to get what he was asking for. There was such passion and tenderness, it was like a very surreal dream.

As Lucifer picked up the pace he lost control for a split second and all of a sudden he and Castiel were shackled together with cuffs and chains and then those chains snaked their way to the bed posts. Lucifer looked Castiel deeply in the eyes, and saw that the falling angel didn’t seem to mind and in fact, he liked the cold steel around his ankles and being tethered to Lucifer in yet one more way. And Lucifer thought that if he weren’t already there, this falling angel would damn him to Hell.

He couldn’t help it, Lucifer started fucking Castiel harder and deeper and faster. Castiel arched his back and thrust his hips in time with Lucifer’s. Castiel could feel that energy pooling inside him like before, but he held back as best as he could.

Lucifer saw the signs, saw how Castiel’s cock grew hard again, how his eyes were glazing over, but he was holding back. Was he holding back so Lucifer could get release? Was Castiel being that generous? Lucifer hadn’t felt this in such a long time he had almost forgotten what it was. He leaned down and kissed Castiel again, and Castiel threaded his fingers of his free hand into Lucifer’s hair. Lucifer tensed up, paused in his thrusting for a moment, then started bucking into Castiel as he rode a wave of such intense pleasure, never breaking the kiss, and Lucifer could feel as Castiel relented and gave over to the pleasure, feeling it hit his chest.

When they were both sated, Lucifer collapsed on Castiel’s chest, still kissing him, fingers still entwined this entire time. Finally Lucifer broke the kiss, and rolled onto his back. He was thinking about the whips he had forgotten and hadn’t expected Castiel to snuggle up beside him laying his head on Lucifer’s shoulder, almost purring. Castiel laced his fingers through Lucifer’s again and laid their hands on Lucifer’s chest. Castiel placed a sweet, gentle kiss on Lucifer’s throat, and Lucifer sweetly growled,

“Call me Luc.”

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