Fic: A Rarity In Hell by Lara, NC17, Very Dark

May 15, 2010 10:51

Title: A Rarity In Hell
Author: Lara
Rating: NC17
Characters/Pairings: Alistair/Dean
Prompt: #13, Alistair/Dean--unexpected
Spoilers: Season 4 I guess
Word count: 521
Disclaimer: Not mine, I'm just playing with them.
Warnings: RAPE, major darkness in Hell
Summary: It takes awhile, but something unexpected happens in Hell.
Notes: Um...Sometimes I write really dark fic. I don't apologize for writing rape fic but I do warn when I do, so please don't read if you're going to be offended or squicked.

This is Hell. He knew that there'd be torture, pain, fire, horror. Being torn apart and put back together over and over only to be tortured worse the next day.

All this, he expected.

Even though he'd refused to think about it during the year leading up to his death, he'd known that rape would be one more form of torture. He hadn't been surprised the first time the demons had turned him on the rack and taken him one after the other.

He'd screamed and fought and cursed, but he hadn't been surprised.

He'd expected that all of this would happen. The knives and the whips, the little cuts and the flayings. Hell, even the hot pokers up the ass--that wasn't even a torture reserved for Hell!

What he hadn't expected happened sometime in his twenty-fourth year in Hell.

Alistair, his chief tormenter, who got into his head as much as into his body, had him bent over a stone altar. Tonight his torture chamber was overdone in Satanic imagery, including the upside down crucifix and black candles. Alistair had carved the pentagrams and other symbols into his flesh and there was blood dripping from various wounds, but they weren't even that deep. He was used to the pain and the blood by now.

He was even used to the big, fat cock sawing into his unprepared body.

But, what happened next, shocked them both.

Alistair had him down, hands wrapped around his wrists pinning them to the rough stone. The wounds on his chest were scraped raw with each thrust of the demon's hips that sent him jolting forward, and his cock was trapped against the sharp edge of the altar.

His cock, that useless, unused appendage. He didn't even think about it anymore. It was just one more thing for the demons to cut and torture. He'd seen it torn off more times than he could remember.

It always grew back. Still useless.


A spike of pleasure.

Pleasure didn't exist in Hell for its victims.

Pain hit next.

His cock was rubbing on the stone and it hurt...

And it felt so good.

Helpless, completely surprised, he moaned.

Alistair stopped thrusting and they both stilled, their bodies quivering.

Then the demon laughed, a dark, nasty thing, and he was being turned, splayed out on his back on the altar, still joined, demon cock to his abused hole. In the dim light, their eyes met, and Alistair reached down and slid one bloody hand down the shaft of his erect cock.

And he grinned, a lascivious sneer. "Even here in Hell, you're a slut." He began to thrust again and, as he jacked the cock in his hand, he didn't even have to hold him down.

Dean wrapped his legs around Alistair's hips and humped up into his hand and came for the first time in twenty four years.

Alistair laughed the entire time and as he pulled out and forced his cock down Dean's throat, he leaned down and whispered, "You're breaking."

It was all Dean could do to hold back the tears of acknowledgment.


author: ladyoneill, prompt response, rating: nc-17, alistair/dean

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