
Mar 01, 2006 10:02

hello, world

You may have been wondering whats happening in my life. Well, its all very exciting thats for sure.

My new apartment has some stuff in it. Last night me and matt were all energetic and couldnt sleep so we decided to move some crap. More crap moving shall take place on Saturday.

The other news is next week is spring break. I will be home probably Wednesday Night, Thursday, and Friday morning. Reserve your hang out time now!

But the real reason Im writing is to let you all know that I have sold my soul to Rockford College for $7.50 an hour. I got a job as a "student alum ambassador" (read- donation solicitor). There comes a time in everyones life when they must stoop to telemarketing to make up for the fact that theyre a poor college kid who will do anything for money. Its sad, really.

Its very strange to be the person on the other end of the phone that everyone dreads hearing from. To hear that knowing pause the brief moment between your cheerful good evening and the CLICK. silence.

At least no one has screamed at me yet.

Moral of the story is- be nice to telemarketers, they have bills, and feelings, too.
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