Title: And Took You Apart Into His Quietness
Fandom: Lawrence of Arabia (1962 film)
Characters/Pairing: Lawrence/Ali
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Sort of technically RPS, though based on a fictional representation of historical figures, references to canonical torture and canonical implied rape, non-explicit male/male sex, and a fairly simplified
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Comments 23
*goes to add to Netflix queue, full of wail and wibble*
(It's wonderful and everyone needs to see it at least once. More than once is negotiable, given how EPIC it is.)
Glad you liked. :D
Jezrana, wow. That was so sad. But the drawing away, the silence, that's so real. And it never ended, for him. :-( But he did keep Ali's portrait. :-)
And, yeah, from the film and what I know of the real T.E. Lawrence, I don't think he ever did recover fully, and one of the things I find so compelling about this pairing is that I don't think there's any plausible way to give them a happy ending.
As to the movie's creators being aware of the S.A. thing when they named Ali, I found this online not long ago and it certainly convinced me they knew exactly what they were doing. I thought you might be interested: "Lean dismissed these criticisms airily. He contended - with some justification - that the movie was historically accurate so far as the truly important questions were concerned. As to the suggestion that the film was pervasively homoerotic, he said: 'Yes. Of course it is. Throughout. Lawrence was very, if not entirely, homosexual. We thought we were being very daring at the time: Lawrence and Omar, Lawrence and the Arab boys.'"
-from David Lean's obituary in The Guardian, April 17, 1991 (full text, byline Jonathan Yardley).
And that is very interesting, and makes me go >:D!, so thanks for sharing.
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