True love

Mar 08, 2004 10:37

True love...

What is it to you?

Have you ever experienced it?

What would you sacrifice for it?

Do you believe in it?


What is true love to me:

I tend to think that TRUE love is by its very nature recipicated. Love can be one sided, but true love is like opening up a pipe between two souls - there has to be ebb and flow across that channel it’s not true love.

True love happens when my body, mind, heart, and soul all agree on something (a VERY rare occurrence at least for me). True love is then a commitment from the body, the mind, the heart, and the soul to love without end. There is no more sacred or complete promise.

True love requires complete surrender, letting go of my need to be right, to hold anything back, and to ensure my heart’s safety. True love makes me vulnerable, but oddly unafraid. It is like standing on the top of a very high building and letting myself fall, trusting that I will be caught and held and cherished. True love acknowledging that the person I adore IS my destiny. It means laying aside any thoughts of an “out” or any consideration of an existence without my love.

To truly love someone I and my love must love ourselves at least a little, because of the very nature of the dance it requires two moving in synch. There is as much giving as taking. So many try to use love to fill holes in themselves. To make up for their lack of self love, that form of love by its very nature can only be complete when both partners can dance together.

And true love really is like dancing with a partner that knows me intimately, and cares for the state of my toes. There will be some stumbles, but real love flows, its give and take and unified motion.

True love is pure and selfless by its very nature. It lays aside expectations, and places the happiness of the one is cherishes first and highest on its priorities list.

True love is a symphony of love, like, and adoration. When I really love someone I like them as well, who they are as a person appeals to me. I believe in them. True love looks at the person it cares for and sees them as faultless, loving them for even the parts of themselves that they find unlovely. For the faults are not faults in themselves, they are just facets and make the diamond of the person I adore more lovely by far. And the amazing thing is that comes so naturally when one has found true love. It's not something you even have to work at. It just happens. To be truly loved is to be completely accepted. To love someone truly is to see them vulnerable and open before me and to find them flawless in my eyes. True love is to commit to spend my lifetime helping that person see themselves as I see them.

To love someone truly, and to be loved in return is to feel complete for the first time in my life.

True love transforms us, it changes the way we look at the world. It is a merging of two souls slowly becoming one. Once we’ve tasted of it, it becomes as necessary to our lives as breathing.

Have you ever experienced it? Yes, yes I have.

What would you sacrifice for it? To acquire true love? At one time I would have said anything, but now… it either happens or it does not. You find the person that makes your soul sing, or you don’t. And you tend to only find them when the time is right anyway, so there’s no need in getting too excitable or looking to hard. For me I never cared to while away my time on anyone that did not call to my soul - it seemed like a supreme waste of energy, and I feared it would distract me from seeing the one that could make me truly happy. For true love once found? Anything. It’s all a part of surrendering. To truly surrender, you have to pull out all of the safety breaks, and let yourself go. You sacrifice all of you when you love someone, so what more do you have to lose?

Do I believe in it? Yes. Unequivocally.

Why? Beyond the fact that I’ve experienced true love, I must observe that mankind seems to have been made to love. From our earliest years we seek it. We watch Disney movies and dream of finding someone to love us. We develop crushes before we even know what we want from life much less love. We pine and yearn for it. The need to love and be loved seemed to be built into our genetics. It’s more than just a survival, furthering the population sort of instinct. That explains attraction, but few will stay in a relationship on the basis of attraction alone. We’re always out looking to the horizons needing love. I believe people are seeking true love. The perfect harmony of two souls singing as one. Why would we have this deep need for that form of unity and intimacy if true love did not truly exist? It would be a grand waste of energy. No, I think mankind yearns for true love so much because it does exist. But no one believes in it any more, we despair and settle for those that will take us, instead of focusing that energy inward and making ourselves more ready for and capable of true love. People lack the patience to wait for it. Which matters little if they find true happiness without it. But for me happiness has always lain in a dream of being loved and completely accepted for who I am. I've seen what's out there - and can honestly say that after everything I’ve seen I’d settle for nothing less then real, true, deep, and abiding love. Nothing else is worth it.
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